Sustainable development

On environmental protection and growth

Today’s is the international day for the protection of the ozone layer. It is the occasion to celebrate the little shield above our heads that enabled life to appear on this planet. For this special day, the UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, wrote a most interesting article on why the protection of our …

On environmental protection and growth Read More »

What is exactly sustainable development ?

After more than 19 months of writing on a blog called Sustainable development and much more, I just realized I never explained what exactly is sustainable development. Basically this term is about three intertwined things (see left): the environment, the society and the economy. This is written with a decreasing order of importance . In …

What is exactly sustainable development ? Read More »

Are carbon offsets a good idea ?

Last summer I wrote about how the WWF wanted partakers to the Beijing Olympics to offset their emissions as they traveled. I didn’t think about offsets anymore until today. But several things including a lengthy reflection, a post in the Business of Green blog and a comic strip from Climate Change Action drove me to …

Are carbon offsets a good idea ? Read More »

Improved design and RSS

For the past two evenings I have been working on improving the design and RSS syndication of this blog. It was done with the invaluable help of Max from the Blog Tool Box. Many things were done to improve your browsing experience of this website. This includes making it easier for you to subscribe to …

Improved design and RSS Read More »

Cutting fossil fuels subsidies to cut emissions

The UNEP issued an interesting report on how cutting the subsidies given to big oil and coal companies would cut by up to six percent per year global greenhouse gases emissions. Up to 300 billions USD (around 200 billion euros) are spent annually on subsidies for the energy sector, all of them being benefiting in …

Cutting fossil fuels subsidies to cut emissions Read More »

The major threat of rising sea levels : the consequences (1/2)

After last week’s article on the scientific data of rising sea levels, it is time for us to have a look at how they would affect millions of people and possibly destroy assets worth billions. The OECD report mentioned last week gives us further data on this very topic and the least I can say …

The major threat of rising sea levels : the consequences (1/2) Read More »

Great astrophotographies – August 2008

The month of August was a chance for many people in Asia to witness a total lunar eclipse and the occasion for NASA’s astronomy picture of the day to focus on the phenomenon. This gave us two magnificent pictures, including the crown of the sun, pictured left. But this month’s selection also includes photos of …

Great astrophotographies – August 2008 Read More »

The story of stuff… a mandatory video ?

For the past few months, I have been reading about this video without never watching it. After a comment on La Marguerite Blog, I decided to do so. In 20 minutes or so, I learned a lot about the true cost and life cycle of the stuff we buy year after year and how this …

The story of stuff… a mandatory video ? Read More »

The major threat of rising sea levels : the science

Climate change will have many impacts, we have seen it throughout many articles. However, one of the main consequences didn’t get much attention here : rising sea levels. But to the research carried out by several institutions – including the OECD and the World Bank – this may displace and even kill millions of people …

The major threat of rising sea levels : the science Read More » featured on La Marguerite Blog

A short post to announce you that Marguerite published an article I wrote specifically for her blog. This is both a great pleasure and honor to see my humble work featured there. This occurs as her work is going up and up in the blogosphere as she begun writing for the Huffington Post. Her website … featured on La Marguerite Blog Read More »

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