Sustainable development

Blog Action Day : A post on poverty

Today is Blog Action Day and this year’s subject is poverty. This is important as a sixth of Mankind is living with less than a dollar per day, like this child in Kolkata, India. (image source) I would like to take the opportunity to remind you of the humanitarian implications of climate change which could …

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Looking for sound and profitable investments ?

At a time where stock markets plummeted around the world, you may be looking for sound and profitable investments that will pay back for themselves quite quickly and last long. You might think about putting some money in a far away country’s companies or else. The ideal solution is nearer… as a matter of fact, …

Looking for sound and profitable investments ? Read More »

Lester Brown’s interview in Terra Economica

Lester Brown, the famous US environmentalist – founder of the Worldwatch Institute and President of the Earth Policy Institute – was interviewed by the French Magazine Terra Economica. Everything from climate change to the current crises we are facing is tackled and Mr. Brown’s opinions on what he calls the first 21st century ecological crisis …

Lester Brown’s interview in Terra Economica Read More »

UN report on worldwide green jobs

Since my article on the green recovery, we know that what is referred to as green jobs may be a very good thing for the United States as it would create two million jobs. This is fine, but what about the rest of the job ? A study from the United Nations provides us figures …

UN report on worldwide green jobs Read More »

Economic turmoil and sustainable investments

With the economic turmoil around the world and a crisis dubbed as the largest one since 1929, it is normal to wonder if sustainable investments and clean technologies will be hit. EcoGeek – a reference website on all green technologies, gizmos and investments – proposed an article last week that allow us to better grasp …

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Great astrophotographies – September 2008

This month was particularly rich in beautiful pictures of celestial objects proposed as usual by the NASA’s Astronomy Picture Of the Day (APOD) So instead of proposing you eight pictures like I generally do, I chose ten photographs of nebulae, galaxies and the likes that are worth using as a wallpaper for your computer. The …

Great astrophotographies – September 2008 Read More »

We’re responsible for a third of China’s pollution

According to a previous article from TreeHugger, up to a third of China’s greenhouse gases emissions (and pollution) is due to the manufacturing of the goods we buy. So, if China became the world’s largest carbon dioxide emitter with a quarter of the total, it is partly because of us and our severe addiction to …

We’re responsible for a third of China’s pollution Read More »

A green recovery for our economies is possible

Last weeks were horrendous for our financial institutions and economies. Many concerns arise in Europe and around the world over GDP growth which is due to be low in 2008 and 2009. What if building a greener and more sustainable world actually brought economic growth, millions of jobs and most important of all, hope of …

A green recovery for our economies is possible Read More »

Cleaning up the world with the United Nations

Just as Marguerite was complaining on her blog about the waste lying on the beautiful beaches of Hawaii, the United Nations are launching this week-end an initiative to tackle the problem. Indeed, today’s is the sixteenth Clean Up the World week-end and events are organized by the UN in over a hundred countries and is …

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Natural swimming pools

You perhaps don’t know it but swimming is by far my favorite sport. This is to the point that I seriously consider having one day my own pool to daily swim a kilometer of breaststroke. One of the problems faced by swimming pools – besides using a lot of water, an increasingly scarce resource – …

Natural swimming pools Read More »

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