Sustainable development

One month to Christmas: green gifts ideas

In exactly one month it will be Christmas and it is most likely you will offer stuff to your loved ones. However you may be looking for something more environmentally friendly than the usual. The Daily Green proposes us a list of more than a hundred ideas that will cover all possible needs and persons. …

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Financing the Global Green New Deal

In case you thought it is impossible to finance the Global Green New Deal advocated by the United Nations, here is an article that will convince you of the feasibility of such a project. The WorldWatch Institute indeed published last week a very long argumentation with seven points that will finish to persuade the most …

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US agency blocks construction of coal-fired plant

The United States’ Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a ruling that may well bring an end to the constructions of coal-fired plants in the country. As the Bush Presidency is ending, this institution is finally getting more serious on limiting carbon dioxide emissions of the world’s largest emitter. The construction and use of alternative energy …

US agency blocks construction of coal-fired plant Read More »

The Grenelle: 440 billion euros of investments

The Grenelle de l’Environnement, the cornerstone of the French environmental policies, might lead to investments worth of 440 billion euros (or $560 billion) by 2020. An important part of this money will be allocated to transport and doubling the amount of fast train lines (TGV, left). Other major sectors will be renovating buildings and renewables. …

The Grenelle: 440 billion euros of investments Read More »

Latest news on solar photovoltaïc energies

Solar photovoltaïc (also known as PV or solar cells) is the subject of numerous researches around the world. Indeed, Earth receives so much energy from its star that the potential is simply tremendous. Accounting for less than a percent of our energy consumption, scientists around the world want to make solar an affordable energy source …

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Worth an article: my October 2008 tweets

Since I don’t have that much time to blog, I restrain myself to around 25 articles per month. However, more news are worth reading and blogging about. My goal being to provide you with the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development and related topics, I had to find a solution. It came with …

Worth an article: my October 2008 tweets Read More »

A global green New Deal : UNEP iniative

As stock markets keep on going down and down, there is still hope. Indeed, the UNEP launches a green economy initiative to get the global markets back to work. This represents a possible turnaround from our growth model based on the depletion of natural resources and ecosystems and thus a more sustainable development. Years ago, …

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My guest post for Verda Vivo

As you saw with my previous post, Daryl Warner Laux from Verda Vivo wrote a great article for this blog. I returned her the favor and wrote one for her. Called A new Apollo program, it focuses on how the United States can invent a low carbon energy mix by focusing on energy efficiency and …

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Verda Vivo’s guest post: condoms are the answer

This is a huge privilege for me to present you today the first guest post written for Elrst. Her author, Daryl Warner Laux and I have been exchanging mails and views for the past months. Verda Vivo, Daryl’s blog, reflects her passion for environmental issues, climate change, conservation, pollution, recycling, organics and “going green”. I recently …

Verda Vivo’s guest post: condoms are the answer Read More »

Why clean coal is nowhere near happening

Some are trying to convince the public that clean coal is the ultimate solution to all our needs. Even if I already stated my opinion on what I consider as the panacea, I will rebut their arguments. Clean Technica outlined no less than five reasons why clean coal will never happen, or if it would …

Why clean coal is nowhere near happening Read More »

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