We’re responsible for a third of China’s pollution

According to a previous article from TreeHugger, up to a third of China’s greenhouse gases emissions (and pollution) is due to the manufacturing of the goods we buy.

So, if China became the world’s largest carbon dioxide emitter with a quarter of the total, it is partly because of us and our severe addiction to stuff.

If millions of people are sick from breathing dirty air to the point some of them die, it is also partly because of us. Could we change this before it gets worse ?

According to the New Scientist quoted by Treehugger :

Finger-pointing, and “China bashing” in particular, is a favourite game when it comes to assigning responsibility for climate change.

But things are not always as straightforward as they seem. Developed countries import many of the products that contribute to China’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Economists now say that one-third of China’s carbon dioxide emissions are pumped into the atmosphere in order to manufacture exported goods – many of them “advanced” electronics goods destined for developed countries.

“Export goods emissions” account for 1.7 billion tonnes of China’s carbon dioxide. That represents 6% of total global emissions – the equivalent of Germany, France and the UK’s combined emissions.

(…) A large share of these emissions – up to 25% – has been blamed on China’s ever-growing export market, but this has not been quantified until now.

(…) Christopher Weber of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and colleagues have shown that the figure is larger still.

Weber’s team used a standard model of the Chinese economy, produced by the Chinese government. This model, which operates on the same principle as others produced by every national government, reflects how money has flowed in and out of different sectors of the economy since the 1980s.

They combined this with nationally-produced emissions data, which shows how much emissions are produced by which sectors.

Matching the model to the dataset allowed the team to calculate that, in 2005, export sectors generated 1.7 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide – 33% of China’s emissions. Data is not yet available for more recent years.

Weber says that, in 1987, exports accounted for just 230 million tonnes, 12% of China’s total emissions.

(…) Interestingly, even as Chinese export emissions have risen, so have the emissions the nation avoids by importing primary products such as minerals and basic metals. This switch reflects China’s switch from a primary to a secondary producer. Increasingly, the products it is exporting are “advanced” products.

For instance, in 2005 electronics accounted for 22% of the export emissions, up from 13% in 1987.

China is very aware that much of its carbon footprint is export emissions, and has used this as an argument against adopting Kyoto-Protocol-like emissions caps. Other major emitters, including the US and Europe, it says, demand and consume the products so they should bear the burden of responsibility for the emissions.

(…) “In some measure, it makes sense if people buy goods and become liable for the emissions generated when the goods are produced,” says Benito Müller of the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, UK. “They will certainly be more choosy about what they buy.”

(…) “It’s just like narcotics,” says Müller. “Who is responsible, the drug baron or the junkies?”

We are junkies addicted to stuff. If you are not convinced by that, I suggest you have a look to my previous post on the Story of Stuff, a 20-minute video worth watching and sharing.

To solve this dire situation – and to make Shanghai’s air looks everyday like on the left – I believe that we should do is pay a part of the costs induced by the pollution. This would make it less easy for us to buy so much.

Additionally, gizmos, gadget and appliances should last longer. I am tired of seeing my cell phones, mp3 players and so on lasting less and less. For more on this, please read my post on the Story of Stuff.

And you, what do you think of the situation at hand ? Are you rather optimistic or pessimistic on our ability to address this issue ?

Photos from SKME on FlickR

3 thoughts on “We’re responsible for a third of China’s pollution”

  1. I was honored to have the opportunity to write a profile of Annie Leonard, creator of Story of Stuff, for the Sept/Oct 2008 issue of Women’s Adventure Magazine. Annie is an amazing activist. Unfortunately, the profile is not yet available online, but if you get a chance, and want to learn more about Annie’s environmental work, check it out. I do not make any money from sales of the magazine. Annie has a great story and I am happy to let people know.

  2. Thanks Daryl for your comment. It enabled me to learn a new word, pontificate…

    I think it is still time to turn around, so we need to act fast, real fast and big as a matter of fact.

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