Sustainable development

Less cars in towns with car sharing systems

Let’s face it, if you live in a large urban area with a decent public transportation system, you don’t really need that much to own a car. Indeed, renting one when you need one would satisfy you. This is why car sharing systems are beginning to appear all around the world and are due to …

Less cars in towns with car sharing systems Read More »

An idea of green bailout for The Big Three

The three large US automakers are facing huge problems. Meanwhile, many people think their cars would be able to sell better if US cars had better mileage. While driving I had an idea that very topic: increasing the mileage to enable it to reach 50 MPG by 2010 would be great. This would be much …

An idea of green bailout for The Big Three Read More »

Vivace, another renewable energy source

After my writing of two articles on renewable energy sources from the oceans in October, here comes VIVACE or vortex-induced vibrations for aquatic clean energy. According to an interesting article by The Telegraph, this prototype could enable us to harness some energy from our rivers and waterbeds around the world. The potential is huge as …

Vivace, another renewable energy source Read More »

Do our leaders care about the environment?

Rajendra Pachauri, the head of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is not satisfied by the lack of attention given to environmental and social issues at the current Poznan talks. I was right in my article on sustainable development, our leaders only think about the economy, the economy and the economy. Climate change is …

Do our leaders care about the environment? Read More »

Amazon deforestation increasing. Again

I was reporting it previously, the deforestation of the world’s largest forest decreased last year. But it seems that it increased again in 2008, and this albeit the Brazilan government’s ambitious goals. Even if this is a small increase compared to last year – less than 4 percent – this is still a big problem …

Amazon deforestation increasing. Again Read More »

Great astrophotographies – November 2008

Like every last Sunday of each month, this is time for me to present you my selection of the best pictures of the NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) Like each month, this one was packed with beautiful images and it was very difficult to select just ten. I am absolutely amazed at how …

Great astrophotographies – November 2008 Read More »

Worth an article: my November 2008 tweets

Since I don’t have that much time to blog, I restrain myself to around 25 articles per month. However, more news are worth reading and blogging about. My goal being to provide you with the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development and related topics, I had to find a solution. It came with …

Worth an article: my November 2008 tweets Read More »

Poll: the environment is more important than the economy

According to a poll carried out and published by the HSBC Climate Partnership, 43 percent of people believes that climate change is a bigger problem than the economy. This survey also highlights how the public of the largest countries (including the USA and China) want their governments to act fast and big on climate change. …

Poll: the environment is more important than the economy Read More »

Climate change keeps on accelerating

Just after I published an article on how many islands around the world are due to disappear because of climate change, the WWF brings us more data on this very topic. To their latest studies, it seems that global warming is accelerating as time goes and thus the threat of rising sea levels increases dramatically. …

Climate change keeps on accelerating Read More »

Soon to be lost paradises

In the past few weeks – and further to my articles on rising sea levels – I have been wondering how the beautiful islands in Oceania and elsewhere will be affected by this phenomenon. It seems many people will have to flee their homes. Indeed, many islands like Tuvalu and the Maldives (pictured) may disappear …

Soon to be lost paradises Read More »

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