The Grenelle de l’Environnement, the cornerstone of the French environmental policies, might lead to investments worth of 440 billion euros (or $560 billion) by 2020.
An important part of this money will be allocated to transport and doubling the amount of fast train lines (TGV, left). Other major sectors will be renovating buildings and renewables.
All this should lead to the creation of more than half a million local jobs by the next twelve years. A most interesting news we will see in details.
Here is what Le Figaro [Fr] and other news sources like the AFP [Fr] note :
The State will put one fifth of all this money. Local communities, companies and households will bring the remaining money.
Housing and buildings
The largest part of the plan with 192 billion euros ($245 billion) and 235,000 jobs creation. 38 percent of all buildings will have to be renovated by 2020.
By 2013, greenhouse gases emissions of the sector will have to decreased by ten percent. 800,000 private housings will be renovated by then.
Besides doubling the amount of fast train lines that will represent an increasingly interesting alternatives to cars and planes.
This and many others projects like the promotion of public transports will create 80,000 jobs and will require 97 billion euros ($123 billion)
Enabling cities to decrease pollution and traffic congestion, this will bring large improvements to the lives of many.
Renewables will be put forward with 220,000 projected job creations and 115 billion euros ($147 billion) of investments. This sector is indeed booming.
Last important part, the protection of biodiversity will be allocated 23 billion euros.
All this is most interesting and I am dreaming like Al Gore of a Grenelle mondial.
What about you ?
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