From paralyzing eco-anxiety to hope in six steps
For this back-to-school post, I thought about writing on ways to beat eco-anxiety and doomism by personal action. It’s still time to turn this ship around !
For this back-to-school post, I thought about writing on ways to beat eco-anxiety and doomism by personal action. It’s still time to turn this ship around !
As momentum is accelerating towards peaking greenhouse gases emissions, a reflection on how to accelerate the shift towards Net Zero.
A personal reflection as April 2024 marks the 20-year of my stumbling upon climate change and renewables.
One of the main tools to slash our global dependence to fossil fuels for heating and cooling is the mighty heat pump.Let’s see in this post the why and how.
A new year starts, and with it, another blogging season. Happy and sustainable new year everyone !
The evidence is piling : solar and wind are now an unstoppable juggernaut and fossil fuels are on their way out. How fast the global energy transition is just up to us.
I started last month a new job as Energy Transition and Sustainability Advisor for the Healthcare Sector. Here is some information about what that entails.
Our entire society is built on wasting everything, including the most basic necessities : energy, water and food. The very first step towards actual sustainability is to drastically slash the amount of waste in these three.
With French cities being overrun with trash, I ponder our untenable situation. Something will have to give in, our economic systems or our planet.
My book review of the New Sustainability Advantage, by Bob Willard. An excellent book on sustainable business. Over ten years after its publication it’s still an excellent book.