How can we peak emissions and fast forward towards Net Zero ?
As momentum is accelerating towards peaking greenhouse gases emissions, a reflection on how to accelerate the shift towards Net Zero.
As momentum is accelerating towards peaking greenhouse gases emissions, a reflection on how to accelerate the shift towards Net Zero.
A personal reflection as April 2024 marks the 20-year of my stumbling upon climate change and renewables.
The World Economic Forum released earlier this year some great research that could help us all slash energy consumption by 30 percent and save us 2 trillion USD a year.
One of the main tools to slash our global dependence to fossil fuels for heating and cooling is the mighty heat pump.Let’s see in this post the why and how.
Despite what nay-sayers think and write all around, the energy transition in the European Union is well underway and it’s accelerating faster and faster.
A great Youtube video by the channel Just Have A Think shows how energy efficiency’s time has come. Let’s review all the facts and be optimistic for a while.
Some European countries are some of the best in the world when it comes to cycling. The European Union wants to double the distance travelled by bike by the end of the decade.
A new year starts, and with it, another blogging season. Happy and sustainable new year everyone !
As the world’s largest greenhouse gases emitter, China’s actions on climate change are paramount to our common survival. Lucky us, not only things are trending in the right direction, they are also accelerating in both energy generation and transportation.
The global healthcare sector is starting to pull its weight on the fight against climate change. Both a first Health Day at COP28 and an open letter are proof of that.