Book review : 75 green businesses you can start

I had bought and half read that book all the way back to 2008 when it was published but never had finished it or written its review. It was high time for me to do so. 

Glenn Croston’s ” 75 green businesses you can start to make money and make a difference ” is I believe a mandatory reading to any person who is disgruntled about his/her current job or lack of job and is considering starting a green business. Broken down in several handy chapters, each potential entrepreneur will find something interesting.

Here are the main chapters :

  1. Fueling green energy
  2. Seeding entrepreneurial green careers
  3. Building green homes and businesses
  4. Green money
  5. Finding business solutions in the living world
  6. Wasting less
  7. Providing green food
  8. Using water wisely
  9. Delivering green services
  10. Green transpotation and cities
  11. Green farms

As you can see there very few if no possible business venture that was left behind. Although the book is a bit old now, I believe it can give ideas to absolutely anybody, whether you are a cook, a plumber, a teacher, an employee in an office…

Due to its age, some of the examples given are not working anymore – thinking for example about Zen Burger in New York City – but I believe one would be able to find modern days examples using a small tool named Google.

Each chapter begins with an introduction giving all kinds of great facts and figures about the urgency and need for action in the related market. While figures are dated I am sure they haven’t changed this much ever since.

For each opportunity, the author outlines the market need, the mission, the knowledge to start, the capital required – from a few thousands dollars to millions, depending of the business – the timing to start as well as the special challenges that will be faced in this endeavour.

A great comprehensive book for any potential social entrepreneur. Buy it or find it at your local public library !

Grade : 9 out of 10.

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