Latest French statistics on environment

This is my 25th post on this blog and I would like to work for the occasion on a French topic. The INSEE (website), the French statistics agency, published in January the results of a poll dedicated to the place of environmental concerns for French. It also gives an idea of our habits related to …

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A cultural break – February 2007

My favourite cultural product this month is a comic books series called “Blacksad”. There are three comics in French and two are already translated in English. The stories follow the character of a detective named John Blacksad. The story, set in the USA in the 1950s, has a film noir ambiance and is very well …

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Air pollution in Hong Kong

As I wrote previously on this website an article on China and the pollution issues it is facing, I wanted to go deeper in this important problem. This is why I will exemplify with the case of the Hong Kong administrative region. Hong Kong (also known as HK) is a 6.9-million people urban area constituted …

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Environment in the French Presidential elections of May 2007 – Part 2

Well, I got to admit that the environmental question was this month almost completely skept by all major parties. Now the debates are more on unemployment and the purchasing power than on anything else. The environmental question was in my prior post the sixth (6th) topic of interest for the French. According to this month’s …

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AREVA to sell two EPR reactors to China

As I indeed got news I wanted to write for quite some time, I take the time today to present you the latest news on nuclear energy. China signed last month for two new EPR reactors from French AREVA (website). These reactors are third generation ones and has been developed in Europe. Prior to this, …

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After the fair…

Well, I wanted to put “mission accomplished” as a title as I indeed met professionals of the industry. I will write “mission accomplished” another day, when I’ll have found a job. I visited 50 companies and left out around 25 resumes. Most companies where I didn’t left a resume told me to have a look …

After the fair… Read More »

Renewable energies fair in Lyon tomorrow

Tomorrow in Lyon (France) takes place the renewable energies fair and I will be there for the day. My goal is to meet professionals and give them application files (application letter, resume and recommendation) in French or in English. I will mostly concentrate myself on the sectors of solar (PV and thermal), geothermal energy, wood …

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Record profits for oil majors in 2006

2006 will be remembered as a year where the price of the barrel of oil hit shortly $80. Oil is a very lucrative business, to exemplify my statement I will give below the profit earned by the five major oil companies worldwide. According to the Figaro (dated 2/2/2007, page 22) the average price of the …

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Record pollution in China in 2006

Year 2006 broke several records for China. The first one is good news for this great country as its economic growth was of 10.7 percent, the most important for the past 15 years. The second one is very bad news as 2006 was the “darkest year” for pollution in the People’s Republic of China. The …

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