
Worth an article – my February 2013 tweets

I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector. However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are

Worth an article – my February 2013 tweets Read More »

Saudi Arabia to go 100 percent low carbon

I already had mentioned very ambitious plans from Saudi Arabia to jump-start a solar revolution. So the following news aren’t totally surprising me. As The Guardian reported : ” Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil producer, has plans to become 100% powered by renewable and low-carbon forms of energy, according to an influential member of

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Can Japan, and the world, ever be nuclear free ?

This is the question many are asking themselves as the Japanese government initially wanted to go nuclear free by 2040 but finally removed the specific deadline as the New York Times reported. Nuclear plants can last decades provided they are operated and maintained carefully. Nuclear accounts for 18 percent of the electricity mix of the

Can Japan, and the world, ever be nuclear free ? Read More »

Coal consumption increases in Germany

When Germany announced after the Fukushima disaster that it was willing to stop all its nuclear reactors, I published a piece on Cleantechies on how this was premature and dangerous for climate. I guess I was quite right as this week the same Cleantechies published an article stating that coal consumption of the first European

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Japan set ambitious 2050 goals, feed-in tariffs

Japan seems to become pretty serious about climate change as it will soon make official a law mandating for 80 percent cuts of greenhouse gases emissions  by 2050 (compared to 1990, just in line with IPCC recommendations) Not totally unrelated to these most commendable goals, the country enacted generous feed-in tariffs for solar, wind and

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United Kingdom slashed its emissions in 2011

As EcoFriend notes, thanks to a warmer climate and a massive push in low carbon energy sources, the United Kingdom slashed by SEVEN PERCENT its greenhouse gases emissions between 2011 and 2010. Cleantech boomed as the share of renewables went from 7.5 percent to 9.5 percent in a single year. Electricity production from renewable sources

United Kingdom slashed its emissions in 2011 Read More »