Harley Davidson to plant 50 million trees by 2025

Not only do we have to stop deforestation, we also have to plant trees, billions of them, in the cities, in the countryside… What if companies land not only a hand, but thousands of them ?

Harley-Davidson, yes, that Harley (see above) is partnering with a leading NGO to plant no less than 50 million trees by 2025. As Triple Pundit relates :

Harley-Davidson has embraced sustainability in recent years, risked committing heresy by launching an electric motorcycle this summer and has indicated it takes climate change seriously. Tree planting is just another cog in the company’s plan to engage its loyal fans and raise awareness about environmental issues many consumers care about—but just do not know how to go about confronting them.

This ambitious plan to plant trees is part of Harley-Davidson’s Renew the Ride program. The company will contribute about $550,000 annually to The Nature Conservancy to help support its Plant a Billion Trees program. The corporate arm of Harley Davidson will work with the company’s dealers and clubs to encourage tree-planting campaigns. Customers and fans who are interested can also make a donation online to TNC in order to support the tree planting efforts.

“You have to remember that one-third of Harley-Davidson’s customers and members either consider themselves conservationists, or belong to a conservation group,” said Rochester, “and at the same time, with what is going on globally, we cannot plant enough trees in the world—this is important for all of us.”

Now that’s some impressive Corporate Responsibility program. Imagine if all companies the size of Harley Davidson planted five million trees annually ? After all, Big Business already committed itself to stopping deforestation, so this is just the next logical step and I am very happy to see a major motorbike company leading on that aspect !

Ride on Harley !

Image credits : Harley Davidson.

2 thoughts on “Harley Davidson to plant 50 million trees by 2025”

  1. as more companies remember that their income is derived from sales to real people, they will by-pass the lobbyists and law-makers to implement their own commercial strategies to benefit the environment and–their shareholders as well..good move bikers!

  2. Merci Nadine for your comment. It becomes a rare treat.

    I hope that you are right : companies remembering they are made of people who sell for other people. My new interest in corporate responsibility seems to show it is the case.

    Well done Harley Davidson for sure 😀

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