2013 was one of the warmest years since 1880

NASA 2013 annual temperature anomaliesBoth NASA and NOAA – US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – have issued a joint presentation on how climate change made 2013 one of the warmest year ever recorded.

It is worth showing to any climate change deniers you may know. According to NASA : ” NASA scientists say 2013 tied with 2009 and 2006 for the seventh warmest year since 1880, continuing a long-term trend of rising global temperatures. “

” With the exception of 1998, the 10 warmest years in the 134-year record have all occurred since 2000, with 2010 and 2005 ranking as the warmest years on record “

Here is a nifty video that shows how fast Earth has been warming in the few previous decades :


Meanwhile, extreme weather events have been increasing both in size and in frequency. So far, 2014 has seen :

  • An unprecended drought in the US State of California ;
  • A remarkable polar vortex in the Northern part of  the United States ;
  • Exceptionally huge floods in the United Kingdom ;
  • The heaviest snowfall in decades struck Japan ;
  • A singular heatwave in Australia that halted the local Open tennis tournament…

The list could go on but I think you got the point : global warming is making our planet less and less hospitable. If climate weirding were to continue, no doubt that we would see more of such horrible events.


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