Worth an article – my January 2013 tweets

http://www.elrst.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/twitter-earthrise-128x128.jpgI have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.

However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share dozens of news that are worth your time.

I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate change and environment

Fancy that: Australian carbon emissions down, efficiency up after 6 months of a price on carbon pollution: http://bit.ly/WmGLML  #350ppm

Big news! Group of countries in Europe are starting a Financial Transaction Tax. Why it matters to climate change: http://awsassets.panda.org/

When trees die, so do we http://bit.ly/UoFhnu

Nicholas Stern: ‘I got it wrong on climate change – it’s far, far worse’ http://ow.ly/ha6jO 

Cost to deal with climate change? (Spoiler alert: costs a coffee & donut once a week to save ourselves. Yep.) http://www.tomrand.net/

11 of the 12 warmest years this planet has ever recorded have come in our still-young century. http://www.guardian.co.uk/

Quelle horreur ! Quel scandale ! One more reason to act: Climate change threatens French wine http://zite.to/12VQ5wU 

Contrary To Contrarian Claims, IPCC Temperature Projections Have Been Exceptionally Accurate http://clmpr.gs/WnzOKH 

China having cold cold winter; govt blames ‘melting polar ice from global warming’ for changing pattern http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/A/

#China starts construction of a 200 MW 4th generation #nuclear reactor http://ow.ly/gCKr6  #energy #news

Climate Resilience on a Warming Planet http://bit.ly/VHFjFl  #csr

By 2100, with a 4°C increase, large sections of #Amazon could transform to low biomass woodlands http://bit.ly/UZVwpf  #infographic #COP18

Video And Charts Make Clear The Planet Is Still Warming — And There’s Only One Way To Stop It http://bit.ly/Vo7prK

Ravaged environment just one of many reasons #China will face a future of considerably lower rates of economic growth http://nyti.ms/UHFvDx 

NASA photo of China’s epic pollution this weekend. (Beijing is the blue circle) http://lance-modis.eosdis.nasa.gov

Complete elimination of CO2 emissions now would lead to a slow decrease in atmospheric CO2 of about 40 ppm by 2100: http://goo.gl/LrYYE

End Climate Silence Now: Draft Climate Assessment Warns Of Devastating 9°-15°F Warming Over Most Of U.S. http://bit.ly/VuV9pB


Mon Dieu, it looks like nuclear is beginning to drive EDF bankrupt. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2013-01-21/edf-investors-at-risk-of-losing-record-dividend-on-costs-energy …

More people will die from air pollution related premature deaths by 2050 than the 50 million killed in WW2. #renewables http://www.guardian.co.uk/

Do we have “100 yrs of natural gas,” or will the shale bubble burst by 2020? Forthcoming report: http://bit.ly/pci-shalegas

How #China is going to save the world http://bit.ly/X1K6jE  >its #cleanenergy transition in detail, with @BloombergNEF data

Well, well, well. How the times change. Americans now support a carbon tax, according to new poll: http://www.foe.org

Warren Buffett Buys The World’s Biggest Solar Plant http://bit.ly/TKwign ”— this should tell everyone what to invest in!

91 kWh/hab: c’est ce que représentait l’éclairage public Frane par an en 2000 soit plus du double de nos voisins allemand (43 kWh/habitant)

IEA : How to fix the 21st Century’s dirty engine of growth http://huff.to/U6rtgV

Cleantech Stories of the Week: Best of 2012 and what to look for in 2013 http://dlvr.it/2jSFRD

#Solar Energy in #Germany up by 45% in 2012 http://www.energymarketprice.com/

On RTCC: $30 carbon price needed to avoid 2C of warming, says new research http://www.rtcc.org/carbon-price-of-30-needed-to-avoid-2c-climate-target/ …

The big Canadian banks say, without KXL no more tarsands devt. And Obama gets to make the call http://www.huffingtonpost.com/

Supermarket is saving $80 MILLION a year just by putting doors on its refrigerators http://bit.ly/W7WmOL

In 2012, German solar PV capacity grew by 7.6 GW to 32.4 GW: +31%, despite much lower feed-in tariff: http://goo.gl/yyQXt

‘Physical Internet’ for Logistics Could Boost U.S. Profits $100 Billion, Cut Emissions 33% http://www.sustainablebrands.com

Supplied 6 GW on 29 December RT @REWorld: French Wind Power Covers Record 10 Percent of Demand http://goo.gl/fb/ChYrG

China to double its solar power capacity. One step of many in the right direction. The world needs to see more of this. http://soc.li/cKWuELK

ICYMI (I did!): U.S. will not surpass Saudi Arabia’s oil production by 2020 http://goo.gl/hTF9k , by @nelderini

More depressing news RT @solarfeeds: IEA: Coal Will Dominate The Next Decade http://bit.ly/VENPVB

China unveils big renewable energy ambitions for 2013 — 49 Gigawatts of Renewable Power. http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/business/carbon-economy/


Harvard Business Review’s Top 10 Sustainable Business Stories of 2012 http://bit.ly/UAQ0KF

Jared Diamond on the value of “constructive paranoia” in avoiding shower slips and falling trees: http://nyti.ms/VsfHkf 

Recycling the Economy: Turning Trash Into Cash http://bit.ly/WBY9QG

What will #sustainability look like in 2013? A range of sustainability executives provide insight http://grn.bz/WAMLD3 

The best solution for climate change is a carbon tax – The Great Debate http://reut.rs/VIDPtB

2013: Green Economy Inflection Point? – Solar Feeds http://www.solarfeeds.com/2013-green-economy-inflection-point/ … via @solarfeeds

Change will only happen when business people understand sustainability in their guts http://www.guardian.co.uk/sustainable-business/

How to Compost Year Round in Your Apartment http://bit.ly/Y0PeuX

10 stellar reasons why doing good is good for business http://soc.li/SpWTJHM  #CSR #socialgood

L’économie verte devrait dépasser les 310.000 emplois en 2013: Selon une étude réalisée par l’Agence De l’Enviro… http://bit.ly/WHuVM7


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” ~Winston Churchill #happy2013

This is SICK !RT @ForbesWoman: Rape Every 20 Minutes For The World’s Largest Democracy?http://bit.ly/THnDKh

YES! RT @johnwoodRTR: “I am an optimist because I don’t see the point in being anything else.” — Abraham Lincoln, quoted in The Week

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