Worth an article – my September 2012 tweets

http://www.elrst.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/twitter-earthrise-128x128.jpgI have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.

However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share dozens of news that are worth your time.

I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate and environment

How many climate skeptics does it take to change a light bulb? http://goo.gl/mBBtS  (cartoon by @AGWobserver)

Republican Meterologist To Mitt Romney: Top 10 Reasons The GOP Needs To Accept The Climate Reality http://ow.ly/dFPck  via @ThinkProgress

BASIC group make Kyoto II “essential” outcome for progress in Doha: http://bit.ly/RbwaV3

Extreme weather cost US insurers $34bn in 2011: http://bit.ly/PfyOGK

If the engines of the world’s 1 billion cars run idle for 10 minutes per day on average, that’s 90 million tonnes of CO2-emissions per year!

HFC phasedown can cut 100bn tonnes of greenhouse gases by 2050: DuPont: http://bit.ly/Q5Gpr1

How The Arctic Death Spiral Fuels A ‘Wicked Backlash On Our Weather’ http://bit.ly/VEpkbF

India Most Vulnerable of G-20 Nations to #Water Stress http://bloom.bg/QBETxy 

Did Honey Make Us Human? So Then What Happens When All the Bees Die? http://j.mp/QR5vuQ

India prepares for climate change. Himalayas hit worst, more droughts and floods both on the way: http://bit.ly/QvtMsY  #350ppm

80% of Tropical Deforestation Caused by Agriculture http://ow.ly/e4lAr

Himalayan scientist” ‘It’s like watching the Statue of Liberty melt” http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0409/feature2/index.html …

Extreme drought reduced economic growth by almost 12% from original projections for the second quarter of the year http://ow.ly/e4DdO

Energy and cleantech

À Singapour, on sait réutiliser l’eau usée…: http://www.futura-sciences.com/fr/news/t/developpement-durable-1/d/a-singapour-on-sait-reutiliser-leau-usee_40272/#.UENwi21-pEw.twitter … #reuse #eau #recyclage

Don’t tell me renewables are only for the rich : Morocco is pledging 42 percent renewables by 2020 http://fb.me/tbGwdLN0

Most RTs this week: “Whether we like it or not, 2011 was the year the world used the most coal ever.” http://bit.ly/QWltXZ

Germany presents “#GreenTech made in Germany 3.0″. #CleanTech will soon be 20% of German GDP, of which 90% by SMEs http://www.bmu.de/pressemitteilungen/aktuelle_pressemitteilungen/pm/49126.php …

Solar is powering 50% of Germany http://solarfeeds.com/solar-powering-50-of-germany/ … via @solarfeeds

Utilities to deliver 1.5% savings per year RT @GreenCogEU: European Parliament votes in Energy Efficiency Directive http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/pressroom/content/20120907IPR50808/html/Energy-efficiency-billions-to-be-made-in-savings …

Les économies d’énergie vont devenir obligatoires dans l’UE http://www.romandie.com/news/n/_Les_economies_d_energie_vont_devenir_obligatoires_dans_l_UE89110920121853.asp … via @Romandie @zehub

RT @EnjeuxElectric: SunPower (Total) annonce une garantie sur la puissance : reste 87% au bout de 25 ans ! http://goo.gl/KtMqh

Did you know 3/4 of the energy your appliances burn is used while they’re off? http://bit.ly/S7u9pm  @AskUmbra w/ an electrifying video.

Les #éoliennes ont fourni aujourd’hui jusqu’à 9% de l’électricité de la France selon le #SER et #RTE Puissance : 5000MW

Learn how America can win $3 trillion for the economy http://www.americancleanrevolution.com/  #Win3Trillion

Pilgrims to Mecca could soon also visit one of the world’s largest solar farms http://www.businessgreen.com/bg/news/2207907/holy-city-of-mecca-turns-to-power-of-the-sun …

Biggest English Polluter Spends $1 Billion to Convert Coal Plant to Biomass http://goo.gl/fb/2k651  #bioenergy

Offshore Wind Turbines Could Meet Power Demands of Entire East Coast http://ow.ly/e13Gf

French Oil Company CEO Calls Arctic Oil Drilling a Potential “Disaster” http://ow.ly/e2xr6

Cool! Realtime graph of power sources in Spain. Check out the enormous green band of wind energy (1/3 of total today): http://goo.gl/5YadJ

Renewable Energy Output in the UK Jumped 42% Last Year http://bit.ly/UzN9yZ  woot!

New Method of Turning Sewage Sludge into Biodiesel is Low-Cost, High-Yield http://www.treehugger.com/clean-technology/sewage-sludge-could-provide-cheap-biodiesel-feedstock.html … via @TreeHugger

Autumn sun: at this moment, solar PV panels in Germany are producing 15.6 GW, that’s 30% of total demand: http://goo.gl/vZxIu

How Much #Solar Could We Have If #Fossil Fuels Weren’t #Subsidised? Ten times more than we have now http://www.energymatters.com.au/index.php?main_page=news_article&article_id=3396#.UGi0GqIH868.twitter …


RT @solarfeeds: Top 10 Green Masters Degree Programs http://www.solarfeeds.com/top-10-green-masters-degree-programs …

Rising number of top firms (81%!) believe #climate change is threat to business http://gu.com/p/3acvg/tw  via @guardian #eco

$20 Dollar Per Ton Carbon Tax Could Reduce Deficit By $1.2 Trillion In 10 Years: http://bit.ly/SviSVJ

Most of what passes for #sustainability isn’t #sustainable. We need to stop confusing “less bad” w/”good.” http://ow.ly/e2XQp

The car’s previously inexorable rise in the rich world is stalling–or even on the wane http://econ.st/QQuBd9

Car use is peaking in the rich world. Governments should take advantage of that http://econ.st/QSbGyH

One Millionth Home Weatherized: Federal Efficiency Program A Winner On All Counts http://bit.ly/SJfHtu

An aggressive expansion of #publictransit in cities and suburbs could save 4 million gallons of oil each day by 2030 http://j.mp/PAWkRs


“In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” – Albert Camus

I was excited to stumble across this: 7 Free online tools for creating flow charts, diagrams and more http://goo.gl/VHhE

SEPTIÈME CIEL – Les plus belles photos d’astronomie de l’année – http://bigbrowser.blog.lemonde.fr?p=26510bigbrowser.blog.lemonde.fr/?p=26510

“Not eveything that counts can be counted, not everything that can be counted counts” A. Einstein

One square inch of glass will make your data live forever http://bit.ly/VEeh2n

Check out 5 simple tips how to use #Twitter in your #jobsearch via @CareerBliss. http://ow.ly/dYtHd

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