Cleantech investments increased by 32% in 2010

If you think the economic downturn is plaguing every sector, think again. To the UNEP : total global investments in clean energy grew by 32 percent in 2010 to $211 billion (146 billion euros). However, there is a catch :

To Grist : ” For the first time ever, developing countries lead yearly investment in clean energy — representing about $72 billion (50 billion euros) in spending in 2010, versus $70 billion in rich countries.

“China, with U.S. $48.9 billion in financial new investment in renewables (up 28%), was the world leader in 2010.” I am just wondering when the European Union as a whole will have some leadership…

The United Nations Environment Programme brings us further data :

Wind farms in China and small-scale solar panels on rooftops in Europe were largely responsible for last year’s 32% rise in green energy investments worldwide according to the latest annual report on renewable energy investment trends issued by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

Last year, investors pumped a record US$211 billion into renewables – about one-third more than the US$160 billion invested in 2009, and a 540% rise since 2004.

For the first time, developing economies overtook developed ones in terms of “financial new investment”-spending on utility-scale renewable energy projects and provision of equity capital for renewable energy companies.

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