Lafarge pursues its sustainability commitment

According to the WWF : ” WWF and Lafarge, the world’s largest cement maker, today agreed to continue working together to further reduce the company’s greenhouse gas emissions and to help build hundreds of energy-efficient buildings.  ”

” (…) The company has been a member of WWF’s Climate Savers Programme since 2001 and has already exceeded previously set emissions reductions targets, leading to net emission reduction of 21.7% per ton of cement below 1990 levels in 2010.

It seems some companies really understand that we have to commit ourselves to slashing our greenhouse gases emissions as much and as fast as possible.

Here are some details, still to the WWF :

Lafarge committed to further reduce its net greenhouse gas emissions by 33 percent per ton of cement below 1990 levels by 2020. This will be achieved by increasing the use of alternative fuels (such as biomass) and the efficiency of Lafarge’s plants.

In an innovative approach to sustainability, the company also pledged to be part of the development of 500 sustainable buildings across the globe by 2015, and to advocate for ambitious national and global climate change policies.

Congratulations to Lafarge for showing other companies of the sector the example !

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