Worth an article – my May 2011 tweets

I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.

However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share more news that are worth your time.

I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate and environment

RT @tveitdal: Global warming crisis may mean world has to suck greenhouse gases from air http://t.co/CmdsQGS #climate change

@NaomiAKlein: Apex of disaster capitalism: Hobbit being filmed in Alberta, with tar sands as Mordor. http://on.fb.me/l0pI0n#tarsands

RT @ClimateProject: Pakistan, (one of the most vulnerable to #climatechange) approves draft national climate policy http://ow.ly/51Ew3

Our a/c use helps ensure that future heat waves will be even more frequent & intense. How to beat the heat without it: http://j.mp/dvBpub

China Dealing with “Dead Water” As Drought Dries Reservoirs : TreeHugger http://t.co/rewnBBP via @TreeHugger

Indian Farmer Suicides: One Every 30 Minutes : TreeHugger http://t.co/FrcHbTM via @TreeHugger

Three Quarters of Himalayan Glaciers Retreating : TreeHugger http://t.co/Y4fbQzG via @TreeHugger

Energy and cleantech

#China hikes #electricity rates for industrial customers to encourage conservation http://bit.ly/jx0KTB

RT @REWorld: Biden Says U.S. Will Lead Energy Revolution http://bit.ly/iKfCfj ( not if they continue like this… )

“Exxon’s vision of the future is just a forward projection from our collective rear-view mirror” R. Heinberg http://ow.ly/4V3k9

Google is investing $55 million in a *massive* wind farm in California (1,550 megawatts!) http://su.pr/1LQMhn

RT @AltEnergyIntel: IEA’s Technology Roadmap foresees #biofuels making up 27% of world’s #transport fuels by 2050 http://bit.ly/kPGS0s ;(

DO WANT : Sexiest LED lightbulb ever is first true alternative to incandescents http://t.co/kNEqIta via @grist

High Gas Prices Are Turning the United States Into Europe http://bit.ly/kQHttZ

So much low hanging fruit… RT @greenbiztweets: UPS rolls out plastic delivery truck, improves mileage 40% http://grn.bz/mgPwro

Oil Prices Will Continue to Rise, IEA Reports: http://t.co/Lx717YP

This is a Big Deal: Google is sinking more money into renewable energy http://ow.ly/4LtCU

GDF Suez CEO Sees Nuclear Costs Rising, Renewable Energy Not Filling Gap #green http://bit.ly/j0AIXJ

Sustainable development

According to US EPA, over past 45 yrs, single-use packaging has increased by more than 10,000%

Africa: Green economy critical for sustainable development http://bit.ly/iMqCjB

As pollution soars, cancer now leading cause of death in China – http://clmpr.gs/mt6UPI

Mushrooms are going to save the world. RT @TreeHugger: Mushrooms Could Drastically Cut Fertilizer Use in Agriculture http://bit.ly/ilGM5I

The OECD has launched its Better Life index to measure well-being as an alternative to GDP http://econ.st/lThxJR

Scientists find a type of mushrooms that can break down diapers quickly. Landfill problem finally solved? http://su.pr/6BFCMj #green

2% of U.S. energy goes to wasted food http://ow.ly/5122W

Green Marketing Is Over. Let’s Move On. : TreeHugger http://t.co/hzGsejO via @TreeHugger

Are We One Step Closer to Pricing Nature? : TreeHugger http://t.co/9M60iCE via @TreeHugger

Is Capitalism Sustainable? http://tinyurl.com/3u3wcwm

Jobs and the Cleantech VC Boom: http://t.co/eHXDTDU


“An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics.” –Plutarch

RT @TheNewDeal: Sorry It Took So Long To Get U Copy Of Birth Certificate. I Was Busy Killing Osama Bin Laden

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