Book review : The Sustainable MBA

Here is another book review as I just finished The Sustainable MBA, by Giselle Weybrecht. Albeit I believe it is a great book and am strongly recommending it, I don’t feel like I learned a lot.

But this might be explained by two facts : 1. I graduated very recently (2006) from a Master in Management from a top Business School – Audencia Nantes ; 2. I have been delving in sustainability for now seven years. (now for hire)

I still recommend this book to any person who would like to get involved in a greener business and anyone who would like to green his or her current job.

I believe this is truly a must read. Starting with an introduction to sustainability, it goes on with chapters on each aspect of today’s companies :

  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Ethics and corporate governance
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Operations
  • Organizational behaviour
  • Strategy

The book concludes with a set of tools which will enable anybody – from the manager to the citizen or the employee – to go green.

Ripe with concrete examples I believe I will buy a copy of my own when I will start a new job as it will undoubtedly be of use along what I hope will be a long career.

The work done by Giselle Weybrecht is not groundbreaking, but essential to any person interested in greening our society.

Conclusion : 18/20

Unlike all the books I read so far, this one gives advices, tools, guidelines that can be applied today troughtout our work. The others indeed tackled more our societies as a whole.

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