Shanghaï to work on climate change mitigation

According to the WWF, Shanghaï (and another Chinese city, Boading) joins the Low Carbon City Initiative, a pioneering project from the renown organization.

This will enable the cities to decrease their CO2 emissions by working on energy efficiency of buildings as well as the environmental quality.

This is great news and I can’t wait for the first results of this project as climate change mitigation from China will be vital for us all. For more details, please

Here is an excerpt of the press release :

The Low Carbon City Initiative will at first focus on improving energy efficiency in buildings, expanding the use of renewable energy and manufacturing of efficiency products.

WWF will collaborate with the Shanghai Construction and Communication Commission and the Shanghai Institute of Building Science to measure the energy consumption of some public buildings such as offices, hotels and malls.

Once the results are analyzed and publicized, training will be organized on improving the efficiency of these buildings.

WWF will encourage policy research to promote eco-building and set up demonstration projects in Shanghai.

(…)WWF will also promote low carbon development, best practice demonstration sites and energy savings campaigns in other cities throughout China.

“Exploring the path towards a low carbon city development is promising yet challenging, and requires mores participation and support from government, research institutes, companies and international organizations”, said Li Junfeng, Deputy Director of the Energy Research Institute at the National Development and Reform Commission.

A technical advisory group will provide technical and policy support to ensure the initiative will be implemented in harmony with the social and economic development of China.

“As a major emitter with massive energy consumption, China will play a crucial role in any global effort to reduce CO2 emissions. Low carbon cities are the key to ensure tat China’s industry and urban areas develop in a sustainable way”, said WWF Asia Pacific Programme Director Isabelle Louis.

And you, what do you think of this ? Does this bring you hope ?

Be sure that I will keep you posted on this issue and many others as news arise, so, stay tuned and don’t hesitate to leave your opinion on this topic and write a comment as I will gladly read you.

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