Working on a new layout, part 1

On a less personal note that the other post, I am currently working on a new design for this website. So if you come and visit this page and it has a different look, have no fear, only the layout is changing.

However, I will keep for the maximum of time the original one called Greenflower. I will work on the new theme only on evenings or during weekends. The new one is based on a theme called Pracaredux that I am heavily modifying so it better suits my needs and likings. The modifications will allow you to have a look at the five latests posts’ titles, the number of articles posted here, my presentation in English and so on. So stay tuned to see how it goes.

I take the opportunity here to state that I graduated five months ago. During this time, I worked on my driving license and got it. This takes some time I really needed to take. Furthermore, I launched this website to propose you articles on various subjects that interest me largely such as climate change, energy sources or sustainable development. I also have been taking the time to think on what I want to do and what I plan for the future.

In France, the first job research lasts on average between six months and a year. I am now more patient on this job research, as I need patience, but also as I got a pretty clear idea of what I want my job to be.

All this is hence not wasted time, as a matter of facts it is the opposite, as I am improving my capacities and skills. Writing is a concept that I begin to truly enjoy and informing people is a job I begin to like. Proposing unbiased facts and figures is something that is truly enjoy.

This homepage also enables you to see what I can do via the articles I write every week. It also proposes a resume in English, French and German so you, dear readers can learn what I did before beginning writing here. I hope you are enjoying reading this and likewise I hope to write from you. You can get in touch with me via the contact page.

Next week, I will propose you papers on Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay), on water consumption and more. So keep an eye on this website. Meanwhile, have a good weekend !

1 thought on “Working on a new layout, part 1”

  1. This comment is in relation with your first paragraph.
    Have you considered hosting your website locally on your machine for testing purposes?
    That way, you can work on your design and toy with things without affecting your live site. You just post the final layout on your live site when you’re done.
    Anyway, I’ve done that in the past and it worked well for me.

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