Worth an article – My June 2012 tweets

I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.

However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share dozens of news that are worth your time.

I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate and environment

The “impossible” discovery spearheaded by Stanford Professor a harbinger of major changes in Arctic as the planet warms http://bit.ly/KLssRd

Singapore’s strategy to fight climate change – Channel NewsAsia: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1207533/1/.html#.T9s3oC03cIM.twitter #Asia #Climate

Amazing Economist piece on melting Arctic: ‘the world would be mad to ignore it.’ http://www.economist.com/node/21556921

@IEA book presents scenario which lists choices that can ensure 80% chance of limiting long-term temp increase to 2°C http://bit.ly/MADac6

Amazing climate speech by @johnkerry on senate floor. it takes an hour–and well worth it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI_V-3KJtJM&feature=youtu.be

Global warming worse than it appears: Nobel Prize laureate http://bit.ly/KqsV5Z

The climate crisis is hazardous to your health: http://bit.ly/LpUr9O

65% of Americans Want Action on Climate Change http://www.solarfeeds.com/65-of-americans-want-action-on-climate-change/

An important court decision getting lost in the shuffle this week: EPA right to regulate CO2 as a pollutant http://bit.ly/LO5BSi

Floods cost Minnesota over $100 million: http://bit.ly/N8FDq3

Europe’s major cities plan to combat mounting #climate risk, 54% of surveyed cities see climate risks as “severe” http://goo.gl/41zms

stat of the day: the Kardashians got 40x more coverage last year than ocean acidification. (both herald end times, tho) http://mediamatters.org/blog/201206270006

The carbon price is doing what it should: making businesses cut emissions. This according GE survey. http://wwfau.org/LnyWQV @adamlmorton

Energy and cleantech

Quebec pledges $2.7 billion to tackle #climate change http://bit.ly/JIhw1d

“Anyone who doesn’t aggressively cut oil consumption to within domestic production is technically committing treason.” http://bit.ly/Lh4EP1

“For every euro of energy cost saving, an additional euro could be saved due to lower energy prices,” @Ecofys said. http://goo.gl/QnF7g

Meeting 20% energy efficiency target (2020) would reduce EU energy bill by €207 billion/yr (http://goo.gl/6uJ58) Who could be against that?

Majority of Chinese Prioritize Environment Over Economy: http://bit.ly/LolpfL (via @climateprogress)

Solar Provides 10 Percent Of Germany’s Electricity In May http://ow.ly/1kvcBK

D-Day for energy efficiency directive: “EU countries strike deal on energy efficiency law” http://tinyurl.com/bvqve3q RT @EurActiv

Thx to government efficiency standards for appliances, Americans will save over $1.1trillion in energy costs by 2035 http://j.mp/KEXhTE

$2 trillion is a lot of money. That’s how much experts expect the world’s economies will spend on #cleanenergy by 2020 http://j.mp/Ns6eVL

“If we can stop this crucial Norwegian investment now, we can start defeating the tar sands at the source”: http://bit.ly/LwHURq

New study by the NREL – #renewable #energy can supply 80% of US electricity needs by 2050 http://ow.ly/bIHr9 @solarfeeds #li #cleanenergy

Brazil announces $235 billion investment in renewable energy over next 10 yrs, around double current rates of investment. #SE4All #rioplus20

Climate case for greater grid efficiency: 1.2 trillion tons of CO2 in annual transmission line losses http://ow.ly/bJq0w #in

Japan Approves Feed-in Tariffs http://goo.gl/fb/qZVjq #bioenergy #geothermalenergy #hydropower #solarenergy

Infographic: Green Cars 101 : http://1bog.org/blog/infographic-green-cars-101/

China seeks to lead on electric vehicles beginning with standards setting. http://ow.ly/bPWX7

Average fuel car effciency will double by 2025. Drivers will save more than $8K!! #DrivetheFuture @NRDC

Proposed efficiency standards would create 570,000 auto industry jobs by 2030 http://goo.gl/tNMgb

Solar panels? Good. Tiny solar cells? BETTER. http://bit.ly/LFGbYQ Solar cells so tiny they can be sprayed onto windows? SO COOL.

No surprise here: A new report finds that turning to renewable energy could actually lower energy costs http://ow.ly/bdog6

Blog: Seagrasses Hold More Carbon Per Square Kilometer Than Forests, Study Says http://bit.ly/LDrUNL #environment #green #susty

Electric Cars= $1 a Gallon Gas for Life + $1,200 Cash per Year http://ow.ly/1k6Fhn


#GreenWorks: decentralised #renewable electricity alone could create 4 million jobs http://www.irena.org/News/Description.aspx?NType=A&PriMenuID=16&mnu=Pri&News_ID=202 #greenjobs

Every #Apple product announcement, I have to quiet my consumer monkey mind telling me I need to upgrade. Here’s how: http://bit.ly/MMNAFO

Ford pledges to cut energy used to make a car 25% by 2016. Was 3.6mwh per car in 2006. Ford has trimmed to 2.8mwh http://buswk.co/OYXjbx

$1.4 billion a day keeps sustainable energy away! #endfossilfuelsubsidies

Waste Expert: ‘It’s Madness’ That Waste Isn’t A Bigger International Priority http://bit.ly/MwdY24

Richard Branson: “Screw Business as Usual”  at #rioplus20 http://ow.ly/bLaCH @triplepundit @cwarroom

Green #business: 24 large firms announce a common commitment towards sustainability practices: http://econ.st/Mm7BjQ #RioPlus20

RT @unep: UNEP Launches Global Initiative for Resource Efficient Cities: http://bit.ly/M9vn5e #rioplus20 #sustainablecities

How to phase out #fossilfuelsubsidies and replace them with support for #EnergyEfficiency & renewable power (and heat?) http://bloom.bg/LFH93L

Fact: there are at least one million #cleanenergy jobs in the USA => #greenworks, a good idea for EU growth too http://www.energyfactcheck.org/category/jobs/#.T-txkiGAqu4.twitter

World leaders pledge $513bn to sustainable development http://m.engineeringnews.co.za/article/world-leaders-pledge-513bn-to-sustainable-development-2012-06-25

Quotes and miscellanious

“The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money” Margaret Thatcher

1 BILLION results returned! THANK YOU WCGrid members for helping us reach this awesome milestone! http://bit.ly/OCN8wU http://pic.twitter.com/5QAyxQMW

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” -Thomas Alva Edison

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