Worth an article – my June 2011 tweets

I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.

However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share more news that are worth your time.

I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate and environment :

The world’s climate is not only continuing to warm, it’s adding heat-trapping greenhouse gases faster than i… (cont) http://deck.ly/~cPu1z

Extreme Weather Is a Product of Climate Change: http://t.co/yGRjAg7 via @sciam Different take @dotearth:

GOP Candidates’ Positions on Climate Change Are Not Consistent With Their Religious Leaders http://bit.ly/iAhQH4

Everything You Need to Know About Extreme Weather in 2010 http://bit.ly/ikivkq

Interactive climate change maps show just how screwed we are http://ow.ly/5nZEz

algore: Read my new essay in Rolling Stone: bit.ly/j3aCXX

Jared Diamond Video: With Climate Change, Americans Have Unique Chance to Avoid the Fate of Ancient Maya http://bit.ly/jIUoQk

UN talks must save Kyoto or ‘collapse’ http://bit.ly/iLUmMU #climate change

Former Greenpeace chief Paul Gilding and columnist Thomas Friedman say economic growth is dead in a post-clima… (cont) http://deck.ly/~Vc0O8

Global warming could be reduced by 0.5C if governments cleaned up black carbon from industry and cooking fires (@guardian today)

Map: May 2011 hot in Europe, Middle-East and Siberia, cool in most of the US and Australia. Globally 7th warmest ever:

Largest jump in carbon. More dikes, seawalls, shelters, reservoirs. Mea culpa kids http://t.co/Bnm5mpG

CamilleLabchuk: Reuters: Canada confirms it will reject new Kyoto Protocol http://tinyurl.com/3s39pn3 #cdnpoli

Energy and cleantech :

Poland slows EU effort to mitigate climate change “It is a dark day for Europe’s leading role in tackling clim… (cont) http://deck.ly/~An8bD

USA #Enerdata : Local approval for a nuclear power project in Idaho (USA)

UNEP praise China for spearheading efforts toward making a transition to efficient green economy http://bit.ly/kEUXu3

mT @IvanCNN: Guess how much the US military spends on a/c in Iraq & Afghanistan? $20 billion a year http://n.pr/jHLQwn

China — “the world’s clean energy powerhouse,” $54.4 billion investments in 2010, a 39 percent increase from 2009.

Letter: Coal and Electricity http://nyti.ms/jm3EDH

UK #Enerdata selects eight suitable sites for nuclear power stations by 2025

La Belgique risque une pénurie d’électricité en 2015 ! http://t.co/fJ7EkeG via @enerzine

Rewriting history: Talk of 100-year lifespans for #nuclear plants designed to last 40 years. http://bit.ly/m4NQXI

UN to launch goal of 30% renewable energy globally by 2030, doubling in 20 years. Should be 42% to reach 100% by 2050: ?http://t.co/Qa3xkpl

Global #biodiesel market value likely to reach $62B by 2015, equivalent to 26 billion gallons, report forecasts http://bit.ly/kyqyzd

ABB Infographic – Powering the world economy – Energy efficiency http://t.co/0qNus4V

The Value of a Negawatt http://t.co/wVNWMd5

#Infographic explains energy consumption of electric motors, and potential for smart savings http://su.pr/5RzHk6

RT @elaineishere: Ernst & Young predicts that by 2013, solar panels will cost 1/2 of their cost in 2009

Enerdata Releases its 2011 Edition of its Global Energy Statistical Yearbook – Yahoo! Finance http://t.co/WToIudO via @YahooFinance

The True Price of Gasoline (Video) : TreeHugger http://t.co/O5XFRuV

OPEC to Rake in Record-High $1 Trillion in Oil Money this Year : TreeHugger http://t.co/SN3XgTT

Ten Clean Energy Stocks I’d Buy Now http://bit.ly/iheSIY

Reading – China reports 19 percent drop in energy use (@ecoseed) http://bit.ly/kOzKeP

Grassroots power + organizing stopped 153 planned coal plants in the U.S. #nn11 #coal #climate

Breaking News! Energy Efficiency Programs are Working, Saving Consumers Millions http://bit.ly/mhbUW3

RT @EarthTechling A company has developed an AC unit that does heat recovery and doubles as a water heater for the home http://ow.ly/5eTDs

Utility to retire 6,000 megawatts of coal power http://t.co/kTjUYy3 Biggest energy story since Fukushima?

China Plans to Double Solar Capacity Target for 2015 http://bit.ly/iFqEXu

Angela Merkel wants Germany to build 20 Gigawatts of fossil-fuel power plants http://su.pr/8PI3a4 via @michael_GR

No joke: This is the biggest battery breakthrough ever http://ow.ly/5dzxG

Brazil to Triple Renewable Energy by 2020 (Focus on Wind) #green http://bit.ly/k9yFc1

Tapping the Ring of Fire: Can Japan Replace Lost Nuclear Power with Geothermal?: http://t.co/4Wkcc4F. via @thinkprogress

China on track to cut energy intensity by 20 percent | Reuters http://t.co/mkifh6G via @reuters

RT @carnegienpp German nuclear reversal will have far reaching impact http://t.co/kA8uT7U via @FT

Oops: Germany’s #nuclear shutdown will cause 100s of million of tons of CO2 emissions http://ow.ly/599A2

#China hikes #electricity rates for industrial customers to encourage conservation http://bit.ly/jx0KTB

Sustainable development:

Why Is Business Blind to the Potential Profits from Sustainability? http://huff.to/mjeoRX via @huffingtonpost

Lot of fuss about plan to raise US fuel efficiency standard to 62 mpg (3.8 litre per 100 km) by *2025*. But such cars already exist now!

Further to listening earlier to @CeciliaDurieu I am thinking that I forgot #telecommuting / #telework in my #sustainability reflections…

GE reduced its energy intensity ~33% vs ’04, surpassing goal; by ’15, GE will improve 50% #ecomagination http://bit.ly/ecoAR2010

Re-Imagining Agriculture: How to Raise Yields while Reducing CO2 Emissions: http://t.co/iEpYpvB via @thinkprogress

The more fossil fuels we use, the more expensive they get. The more wind turbines and solar cells, the cheaper they get. Achim Steiner, UNEP

UNEPandYou : Learn more about our work and share it with your friends. Lets all promote a #GREENECONOMY! Have a great weekend http://bit.ly/ixnrdS

A three-step plan to solve the fossil fuel crisis: http://ow.ly/5ceoB

Light Rail for Dummies {INFOGRAPHIC}:http://t.co/jjlYJHk

Misc :

Your bike seat could ruin your sex life http://ow.ly/5tjb0

Why Web Skills are Key for Young Journalists – As newsrooms shrink jobs are still available for creative… http://tumblr.com/x7033rdkgc

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