Why solar air conditioning is a fantastic idea

solar-air-conditioning-californiaIn these times of heat waves – it was 37°C here in France yesterday  – we all know that solar energy can heat places but it seems the sun could also cool them down thanks to air conditioning.

Even if this is not entirely new as I read about such technologies as early as 2005 and as many various technology exists – cf. Wikipedia page – I came across via Digg an interesting article in the L. A. Times.

The tests carried out by Southern California Gas Co could soon slash A/C costs by 60 percent for large premises such as offices, supermarkets or factories.

1 thought on “Why solar air conditioning is a fantastic idea”

  1. There is also a German system based on the Schukey motor driven by the sun, (which heats the water into steam, and from there into the energy that powers the cooling system) and turns damp, warm air into a comfortably climatized 68 degrees F.


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