Worth an article : My October 2013 tweets

http://www.elrst.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/twitter-earthrise-128x128.jpgIt is that time of the month again : here is my selection of the most interesting and note-worthy news of September in the climate, energy and sustainability spheres. Each of them could have been the subject of an article.

Given this selection I believe it is safe to say we are reaching tipping points for both the seriousness of our multiple crises and in some way, how we are starting to address them (mostly climate change).

I believe this selection of news offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate change and environmental issues

US CO2 Pollution Down 3.8% in 2012..due to warm winter, > efficient cars & ongoing shift from coal->nat gas for elec

Aussie fire danger today “is equivalent to the worst case projected for 2050” – Roger Jones in The Conversation

One dead and hundreds of homes feared lost after firestorms rip through Australia’s NSW state. http://www.abc.net.au

Australia’s climate-change denying prime minister gets burned by apocalyptic bush fires via

Al Gore: Divest now from ‘sub-prime’ coal & oil companies before ‘carbon bubble’ bursts

Air pollution can cause lung and bladder cancer, says World Health Organisation via

China smog emergency shuts city of 11 million people | Reuters

China contributed most 2 growth in global emissions in 2012, but increase lowest in a decade due 2 efforts in renewables & efficiency gains

Plants Absorb Carbon, Reduce Historical Warming

Scientists in 1932: Carbon Dioxide Heats The Earth http://bit.ly/1byK6RH  –> yet @CNBC & @WSJ still espouse climate denial in 2013!

Climate Change, A $10 Trillion Opportunity… Here And Now http://cleantechnica.com Possible #bookreview ?

Departure: When the coldest year is warmer than the warmest year on record Scary as possible !

Poor ocean health threatens food security and increases flood risk

Better land care may be worth US$1.4 trillion a year

WWF : Global push for pricing carbon is picking up momentum

PHOTOS: A lot has happened in the world of extreme weather this week

OECD says carbon markets cut emissions 17x cheaper than subsidies

‘Weatherpalooza’ May be 1st time in US history simultaneous blizzard, trop storm, tornado outbreak, and big wildfire http://www.wunderground.com

31 dead, approximately 2 million affected as flooding hits Thailand, http://www.bangkokpost.com

The oceans are heating, acidifying and choking http://ow.ly/24wKc8  #oceans #environment

Ocean acidification: ‘The next mass extinction may have already begun.’

Biochar in Soils Cuts Greenhouse Gas Emissions

60! new species found in Suriname’s rainforest.

CO2 emissions cutoff point may be 27 years away if we want to stay below 2°C http://ow.ly/qfaa3

Is climate change making Australia’s bushfires worse?” The answer is yes, mostly http://bit.ly/1fVYg4g  #climate


Energy and cleantech

Clean creates 7X more jobs than & gas. A economy = lots more jobs

India’s #coal house of cards is falling down http://bit.ly/17ByGfS 

Why we still need power, but not a deal as bad as at Hinkley. My column:

I argue that we need power. But the government has chosen outdated technology at a shocking price.

énergétique des logements

Wind power seen generating up to 18% of global power by 2050

WOW: #Renewable #Energy Capacity Outpacing Coal, Oil & Nuclear Combined http://ow.ly/pXBeg  #solar http://twitpic.com/dhv1v3

Largest coal utility in US says coal is “out of the picture” in future plans

New solar power capacity will exceed wind power for first time ever in 2013 (36.7 GW vs. 35.5 GW) 

How can keep the lights on when the sun doesn’t shine Solutions to intermittency 🙂

IEA : “The average unit of energy produced today is basically as carbon-intensive as it was 20 years ago”

China shuts down 2,000 coal mines:

Invest in efficiency and renewables! “: India’s reliance on imported energy threatens long-term recovery

Coal will surpass oil as the key fuel for the global economy by 2020 despite… http://goo.gl/fb/6QZwF  #energie

How Denmark Turned an Efficiency Obligation Into Opportunity

Insulating might be pesky, it can also make you happier?: eight ways your home can increase happiness

Armed with lots of lasers, researchers just made a fusion power breakthrough

#Renewables jointly accounted for 32.5% of #Spain’s electricity mix in September

Best #energy #efficiency standards for power supplies of 4 billion electronic devices/yr = 480 TWh saving http://ow.ly/pA8kc

Myanmar working w/ Thailand on large-scale  energy, to reduce dependency on gas, oil & hydro  

According to the , from 09:30 -10:00 today Wind generated 3110MWhrs, which accounted for 8.1% of the UK’s total energy needs.

in are being broken all over the world! This week we have Hawaii, Spain, India…

Windy weather in NW-Europe: Wind energy scheduled to provide 37% of Germany’s electricity late this evening:

blowing strong too here on island of Ireland, wind is over 52% of the demand now and the last 24 hours wind is 39.49% of avg. fuel mix

Wind is meeting over 52% of demand now in Ireland and the last 24 hours wind is 39.49% of avg. fuel mix

IEA report: $ 300 bill invested in in 2011 – check Rods´s blog, $ 672 bill in oil & gas!

Between 8 and 9 a.m., lots of wind (18 GW) and a bit of solar (1.7GW) supplied over half of all German electricity:

Ce matin 15% du besoin en électricité couvert par l’ en France.



WOW: 70 global investors w/ $3 Trillion assets demand companies disclose risk

We must deconstruct our consumer society to consume less and value more:

Ethical investment: from lentil-chewing lefties to hard headed pragmatists – http://s.shr.lc/16Gmvv1  @Sam_Friggens

Bicycles are outselling cars in Europe, except in Belgium & Luxembourg

Building Cities that Think Like Planets http://fw.to/0WKEIkN  Gotta read that soon as it was strongly recommended to me by @ginacasati 🙂

Scotland targets circular economy to slash waste and save billions http://www.businessgreen.com

New Oxford study: divestment campaign is the ‘most far-reaching threat” to the fossil fuel companies. http://www.theguardian.com

How to divest from fossil fuels, no matter the size of your piggy bank http://bit.ly/17nvroj

Our morals are ahead of our money, almost 2/3 of British investors would like to be offered #ethical investments http://ow.ly/pNIg4

Newman’s own foods donates 100% of its post tax profits to charity. As of June 2012 these donations have exceeded 330 million dollars.

En México existen más de 2 millones de empleos verdes – VeoVerde Further reading to today’s article 🙂

Microsoft invests in 15 carbon offset projects worldwide – http://ow.ly/pPsZb

Cities can be symbiotic, not parasitic

Need a morale boost? Check out ‘s gallery. Amazing climate success stories from around the world

Can Cities Solve Climate Change?: Scientific American

So very important: “Why “Sustainability” Should Be More than a Meaningless Buzzword”



“Petrichor” is a term for the way it smells outside after rain.

This week’s KAL’s cartoon http://econ.st/18Uurug  pic.twitter.com/FlANZzBzos

Chappatte delivers once again. Best cartoon on #IPCC #Climate report : Somber predictions on climate http://public.globecartoon.com/

Carbyne — Strongest Material Yet Known, Possesses A Number Of Useful Properties, Research Finds http://bit.ly/1bh7CTe

Obamacare has gotten MORE popular since the GOP shut down the government to defund it

.@NeelieKroesEU: ‘If you don’t take change by the hand, it will grab you by the throat.

’Study Links Meditation to Telomerase, An Anti-Age Enzyme

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