Worth an article : My September 2013 tweets

http://www.elrst.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/twitter-earthrise-128x128.jpgIt is that time of the month again : here is my selection of the most interesting and note-worthy news of September in the climate, energy and sustainability spheres. Each of them could have been the subject of an article.

Given this selection I believe it is safe to say we are reaching tipping points for both the seriousness of our multiple crises and in some way, how we are starting to address some of them (mostly climate change).

I believe this selection of news offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.


Climate and environmental issues

Australia may be forced to increase emissions cut http://www.theage.com.au

Feeding Cows Different Food Could Lower Their Emissions By 30 Percent http://thkpr.gs/19Ka81H

MT : THIS is the 1 change report article you must read.

90% decline in large fish pop’lns (whale, shark, Tuna, Marlin, Cod) globally since 1950’s: Dr. Ram Myers #oceans #eco

Climate change devastating ocean fishermen: “Sometimes we’ll catch 5,000 pounds of jellyfish” http://thkpr.gs/1fiGtVG

It is technologically and economically possible to cut CO2 emissions by 50% – Nilay Shah in report from @Grantham_IC: http://www.rtcc.org

to make 500m people exposed to new or aggravated

The disaster continues — 6 dead, 800 unaccounted for, 1500 homes destroyed – Today’s front pages

Protecting just 17% of Earth’s land would save 67% of plant species. Can we do it before it’s too late?

Global Flood Damage Could Exceed $1 Trillion Annually by 2050

Drought helped cause Syria’s war. Will climate change bring more like it?

70% of Coloradans believe in change, politicians deny:

Eliminating HFCs will prevent .5°C in warming. Today’s G20 news shows the potential for China-US cooperation:

One degree of warming may cut Kansas wheat production 20 percent.

Ending Australia’s price on carbon would cost billions now, billions more later due to climate impacts:

We can’t blame everything on climate change: Soot melts glaciers too

Climate at five minutes to midnight: RK Pachauri

How Indonesia catapulted itself to became one of the world’s top greenhouse gas polluters:


Energy and cleantech

Green energy pays for itself in lives saved from smog–that’s a nice thought! http://www.newscientist.com/

Utility scale #solar costs continue to plummet. By 2020 it’ll be FAR cheaper than #nuclear. #energy http://twitpic.com/dfezbi

Lighting represents ~20% of global electricity consumption -similar to the amount generated by nuclear power RT

It takes two TONS of tar sands just to make just ONE barrel of oil. Time for energy efficiency…

1% of U.S. power plants produce 30% of the sector’s CO2 pollution

Development Banks Lend Record $108.9 Billion to Clean Energy via

Glencore, biggest exporter of power-station coal, cancels $5.5 bln coal mine + 6 more in Australia. ‘Waning demand’:

And Italy 11%! “: In August, Germany got 12% of its electricity from solar. Even more in July:

State of South Australia might reach 50% renewable energy w/in 10 years & 20% of houses already have rooftop solar!

2.6 million Australians are now using the sun for their energy needs!


Sustainability and CSR

In Paris, theft and vandalism could force bike shares to shrink http://bit.ly/19C5NP2

No, bike lanes don’t hurt retail business and they may even bring in more customers

MT : Sobering: world’s biggest co’s emitting more CO2, not less, reports

$750 billion in food is wasted every year

Food produced but not eaten adds 3.3 gigatonnes of greenhouse gases

Did you know it takes 3 litres of water to produce 1 litre of bottled water?

Wastewater : Is this the planet’s most underused resource? http://huff.to/1dK3rDh



If we have peace of mind, we’ll always feel happy. Deceiving ourselves that money is the source of happiness, we won’t.

“If you’re giving your all to someone, and it’s not enough, you’re giving it to the wrong person.”

“A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out.” -Grace Pulpit

How to make cinnamon & spice candied almonds http://ow.ly/ovIPK  Super easy #recipe for a delicious snack!

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