Worth an article – my May and June 2013 tweets

http://www.elrst.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/twitter-earthrise-128x128.jpguh oh ! I totally forgot to publish a review of my most interesting news on Twitter for both May and June ! Lucky you, here is this long awaited for selection. As usual, each tweet could have been the subject of a full article.

Given this selection I believe it is safe to say we are reaching tipping points for both the seriousness of our multiple crises and in some way, how we are starting to address some of them (mostly climate change).

I believe this selection of news offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate change and environmental issues

500 scientists warn majority of Earth’s population will face #water shortages by mid-century yet “entirely avoidable” http://bit.ly/1afCNvZ

Prof @DaveGoulson @SussexUni w/ 1g #neonicotinoids #pesticides Enough to kill 250m #bees #Hay http://yfrog.com/mm85ewzj

New York Times editorial calls for Obama to get moving on climate http://bit.ly/10g2goe

Astounding: 39% of water in Chinese rivers is toxic to humans. Pollution to blame: http://on.ft.com/YWPUjS

“China’s emissions super tanker is starting to turn. So is Australia’s http://reneweconomy.com.au/

China agrees to impose carbon targets by 2016. Beijing’s thaw overGHG seen as major step in battling climate change http://www.independent.co.uk

British report: climate change will render ‘hundreds of millions’ homeless http://www.guardian.co.uk/

#Air Quality in Latin America: High Levels of #Pollution Require Strong Government Action http://j.mp/10qOWZ8

Why is Reuters puzzled by global warming ‘slodown’? Its speeding up as ‘only 2% of warming heating air, 90% -> oceans http://gu.com/p/3f93j/tw

Carbon Efficiency 2016, overall cap 2025 “@Alex_Verbeek: Climate Breakthrough: China Proposes Absolute Emissions Cap http://ow.ly/1WOMG1 

Xi Jinping: China won’t sacrifice environment for growth. Can we move away from coal then? http://washpost.bloomberg.com pic.twitter.com/M8jssR4rQj

99 One-Liners Rebutting Denier Talking Points — With Links To The Full Climate Science

Great infographic: What climate change means for Africa and Asia

World can’t wait until 2020 on change, says new, highly-disturbing IEA report:

It’s . Did you know? The global value of crops pollinated by bees is estimated to be nearly $217,000,000,000.

Cheap Food Is A Thing Of The Past, Report Warns

3% annual CO2 reductions unlock $190 BILLION in profits, says new WWF/CDP report. Details on 6/18

EU must cut emissions 55% by 2030 to tackle carbon credit surplus

‘Understory’ fires destroyed more Amazon forest area than deforestation in recent years. Climate disruption is cause:

Central Europe’s flooding crisis continues: 30K evacuated, 12 lives lost. This is what climate change looks like.

Al Gore : The climate crisis is a challenge worthy of the very best in us, a rare privilege. We have the tools. It’s time to rise to the occasion.

Beijing creates hefty gasoline pollution tax to fight massive smog problem ($6/gallon) http://www.treehugger.com

China, Brazil, others working on carbon markets now. Carbon pricing schemes could soon cover 50% of global emissions!


Cleantech and energy issues

Solar PV Market Set To Grow To $155 Billion In 2018 http://bit.ly/17alosj

The Big 5 Oil Companies already earned $30 billion in profit THIS YEAR but gas prices are down just 3¢ http://thkpr.gs/11huOsT  #icymi

Huge potential: Improving energy efficiency in buildings by 30% would spur a new $275 billion market in the US alone http://bit.ly/16XEkKX

World Wind #Energy #Association plans 500 GW of wind capacity by 2016. http://ow.ly/ldwXo

California Could Save $1.2 Billion by Setting #Efficiency Standards for 15 New Products http://j.mp/10gnQZQ  #CA

Looks like oil demand in OECD countries peaked in 2006: IEA expects slow decrease to continue until 2018. pic.twitter.com/fsnLZoaTXa

Is #Europe Wasting a Fortune on Poor Siting of Clean #Energy Projects? http://bit.ly/115trn4  #green #renewables http://fb.me/27jTiDbFW

Go world! 100 countries now produce electricity with wind power – 2012 record-breaking year: http://ow.ly/lfMAZ

RT @FareedZakaria: Price of solar energy has fallen from about $4 per watt in 2008 to $0.58 per watt today: The Week http://bit.ly/118DeTo

India’s #coal tax to help fund 750MW of new #solar capacity http://bit.ly/Z02A9C  via @tcktcktck

One-in-nine Australian households now has a solar system. 20 years ago there were hardly any #climate #solar #energy

The network “350” aims to shift the fight against climate change out of high politics and onto the streets http://econ.st/10fD0hb

Coal corruption keeps the lights off for India: http://buswk.co/13cyl0w  Time to give power to the people, not the politicians. @350India

From noon to 1 p.m., solar PV provided 22 GW, that’s 44% of all German electricity demand! I was an eye witness 😉 http://goo.gl/rtGGX

Una empresa japonesa lanza paneles solares portátiles, flexibles y plegables. http://bit.ly/11yOzy9  vía @Marinador_EERR #fotovoltaica

Brits’ love affair with #renewables grows ever stronger http://www.businessgreen.com

Energy Efficiency, The $1 Trillion Opportunity http://j.mp/Z0xTOB  #energyefficiency #energy

The Future of the Global Renewables Industry http://bit.ly/YPY89p

1,000 turbines, 2-3 GW! “@vogeCST: A closer look at what would be the biggest US wind energy project, in Wyoming: http://ow.ly/ltnUf 

Malta Solar PV Feed-in Tariff, Solar Hot Water, & Energy Efficiency Schemes Announced http://cleantechnica.com

The 6-fold growth in Belgium 2008-09, to 0.5 GW/year, shows how fast solar markets can accelerate: pic.twitter.com/jnOVwUQ9IY

What’s needed to get sustainable energy for all (World Bank infographic) : TreeHugger

German researchers create a lithium-ion battery that retains 85% of its capacity after 10,000 charges : TreeHugger

0.1% of the energy in the ocean could support energy needs of 15 billion people.RT & sign the pledge

In 2012, non-hydro contributed 42% of new power generation capacity worldwide, up from 10% in 2006.

Ford: Regenerative Braking Has Saved 100 Million Gallons Of Gas

European coal pollution causes 22,300 premature deaths a year

RT Solar’s contribution to California’s electricity supply has doubled since last Sept and will double again by end of this year

Goldman Sachs (yes, really) analysis shows tar sands exploration not viable without Keystone XL:

Lighting made possible for more than 6.9 million people to access clean through solar

How does the world’s biggest coal company save money? With solar power, of course

Latest Teenage Craze: Converting Gas Cars to Electric #energy #green http://fb.me/1l4OiyZqi

Even India’s largest coal power company is investing in solar. Get ready for the sunlight revolution:


Sustainability and CSR

My top 5 suggestions for how people can make a tangible difference in fighting #climate change http://huff.to/190UwJS  @HuffPostGreen

RT @Worldwatch: Scientists call for reclassifying #plastics as hazardous #waste, and banning the worst of them http://bit.ly/19tJzhp

RT @sustainbrands: Report: Environmental Externalities Cost Global Economy $4.7 Trillion Annually – http://ow.ly/kG6Lo  #agriculture

Please spread the AP story on divestment;–makes it super clear this is the rational as well as moral choice http://bigstory.ap.org/

What would ‘wartime mobilization’ to fight climate change look like? http://bit.ly/YpNA6U

Around 215 million children world-wide are engaged in #childlabour. Find out more: http://ow.ly/kyD3V

Non-environmentalist @adamlashinsky provides a good perspective for people who work in sustainability: http://ow.ly/kAziw  #fortunegreen

Electric Bikes, A Rising Force On Urban Transit Landscape — 38 Million Units Per Year By 2020, Navigant Reports http://bit.ly/16bDAk2

This magical filter makes soda into water http://bit.ly/10fVvh7

29 of the world’s largest bike-sharing programs in one map: http://bit.ly/17uVf7Q 

Wired has it right. We need a gadget movement that focuses on repair. Why? Because it will save our souls. http://ow.ly/mcfQz

How to Start Your CSR Career | Good Business Sense http://www.gbsense.com

UN Recommends Big Companies Report Environmental Impacts As Well As Profits



With deference to the genius of David Bowie, here’s Space Oddity, recorded on Station. A last glimpse of the World. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaOC9danxNo …

@HuffingtonPost: This is what your body looks like on meditation http://huff.to/10T2hRj 

Test de la liseuse Kindle Paperwhite | PCWorld.fr http://pcworld.fr/d8336b  via @pcworldfr I really look forward to have one. 😀

Lots of data to improve your photos : 20+ Cheatsheets & Infographics For Photographers http://www.hongkiat.com/

Sex ! Sex ! Sex ! But green, please 🙂 This #sustainable vibrator started out as a joke, until everyone wanted one http://grist.org/

Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world and is considered 10 times more effective than valium.

The word “Android” refers only to a male looking robot. For one that looks like a female, the proper term is “Gynoid.”

ROGER EBERT: On Must read and must share .

In 1898 Bayer introduced diacetylmorphine, marketed as a cure for morphine addiction and cough suppressant. The drug is now known as Heroin.

Avid swimmers have a 50% lower mortality rate than: * Runners, * Walkers, * And people who don’t exercise at all.

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