Worth an article – my November 2012 tweets

I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.

However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share dozens of news that are worth your time.

I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate and environment

Climate change rules #1 leave forests alone #2 don’t buy shit we don’t need #3 buy local food & eat it #4 energy efficiency & renewables

“war-like effort [needed] to regenerate the world’s natural carbon sinks” http://gu.com/p/3cvt6/tw  @GuardianSustBiz #CapitalInstitute

“Coal has caused over 2/3 of the increases in global CO2 emissions in recent years.” Reasons to #QuitCoal: http://act.gp/SffM7a

Le PNUE nous le rappelle à bon escient: 80% du CO2 anthropique sont émis par… 19 pays.

UNEP report: global monitoring networks ‘indicate that large scale thawing of permafrost may have already started’: http://goo.gl/N0KzA

Any time you feel discouraged about working to fix global warming, watch this video: http://bit.ly/Rj5jte

2012 has been the warmest year in American history by a HUGE margin. Graph here: http://on.fb.me/X54YMb  #350ppm

“The top of the world is melting” New UN report now making its way around the globe http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/

Greenland and Antarctica ‘have lost 4 TRILLION tonnes of ice’ in 20 years http://gu.com/p/3c785/tf

US drought got worse again: 42% of contiguous US now in severe/extreme/exceptional drought, up from 38% last week: http://goo.gl/AECJ2

In his usual eloquent way, @NickKristof says Sandy may have pushed climate to the fore http://www.nytimes.com/

Climate change is not an ‘environmental problem’, we should call it what it is: a society-threatening crisis

Meghan McCain takes a stand for climate change, whips up a storm http://bit.ly/ScXIaN

Barney Frank: GOP’s ‘abysmal stupidity’ on climate change hurt them in elections. http://thehill.com

Global warming may double pollen counts by 2040 Allergy sufferers may have to brace themselves for the worst.http://zeenews.india.com/

CIA report finds climate change leading to frequent, unpredictable crises. (report’s release was…delayed by Sandy) http://www.nytimes.com/

Just… yikes. Somehow, climate predictions get worse. 6 C of warming is possible, and utterly devastating: http://bit.ly/SQsAka  #350ppm

The @nytimes’ thorough overview of climate change’s new political moment http://bit.ly/SU4ndu

Energy and cleantech

Quatre adolescentes créent un générateur d’électricité alimenté à l’urine – RTBF Etcetera http://www.rtbf.be

Carbon tax buzz mainly over role in deficit busting, but more logic in @algore payroll-tax-cut swap: “tax what we burn, not what we earn.”

If you want to understand how Germany became so green, here’s the (very short, 99-cent) book for you http://www.amazon.com/Clean-Break-Kindle-Single-ebook/dp/B00A4IEJ5K …

#Wind Could Supply 1/10th of the World’s Power by 2020 http://www.treehugger.com Now that’s impressive !

Germany can generate 111 gigawatts power from renewable #energy sources in 2017, a 38% increase over 2013 http://reut.rs/XIv8o1 

RTCC Live: 1,200 coal plants to be built worldwide, despite climate change warnings: http://bit.ly/QrqskA

Fatih Birol, IEA: ‘Fossil fuel subsidies are the Number One enemy of climate change. Full stop.’ pic.twitter.com/C5CK1VPl

Obama should fulfil his 2008 #climate promises – New Scientist http://www.newscientist.com/ ‘ending the $1 trillion #subsidies for fossil fuels’

Ground Source Heat Pumps: Good Enough For Queen Elizabeth So Why Not For The Northeast? http://bit.ly/WNQy37

America Can Learn from Australia’s New Clean Energy Future Package http://shar.es/6q15A 

Germany invested EUR 37 billion to reduce impact of #climatechange in 2010 http://www.2degreesnetwork.com/g

South African government signs $5.4bn renewable energy deal: http://bit.ly/W9Yzjs

Solar PV rapidly growing in Germany: from 24.7 to 30.9 GW in 9 months! This way 2020 target would be reached Jan. 2015. http://goo.gl/2egrJ

Think #Sandy‘s expensive? Every year we delay dealing with climate change costs us an extra $500 billion http://www.reuters.com/

Chinese Premier calls for energy-saving revolution: Hu Jintao highlights environmental concerns at… http://bit.ly/Z9x1bC

Up from 1% now! RT @SGenergyforall: Ghana has pledged to increase the share of #renewable #energy to 10% by 2020. http://ow.ly/f66wi

@Enerdata Nigeria signs contracts for 3,750 MW of #hydropower projects http://ow.ly/f9dGx

Moody’s: #Renewables boom poses credit risk for #coal and gas power plants http://bit.ly/Tq38R3  #energy #climate

Sustainable development

A World War One Poster: food – don’t waste it. http://9gag.com/gag/5499494?ref=t … so so true. People should apply these rules…

Rooftop gardens project aims to reduce Palestinian refugees’ dependence on food aid http://electronicintifada.net/

Just a few years ago, saying we were approaching the end of growth led to ridicule. Now the world is waking up. http://www.businessinsider.com

Recycle ’em if you got ’em: @Terracycle launches cigarette waste collection program http://mnatu.re/TtyC7D

“Today, the average American spends the equivalent of almost a full week, every year, stuck in traffic jams.” – http://bit.ly/Swcugb

Carbon tax could boost economy and combat fuel poverty, analysis shows http://gu.com/p/3byfd/tf


Just realised that when we fall, the goal is not just to get back on our feet but to go HIGHER than before. Otherwise, what wld b the point?

“Yes, we destroyed the planet. But for a beautiful moment in time, we created a lot of value for shareholders.” http://mmflint.me/Qh4Lm1

Can a jellyfish unlock the secret of immortality? http://nyti.ms/11dRnlb  via @nytimes

Photographic film has nearly completed its transition from the mass market to the artisanal http://econ.st/115sIjp

Four more years. pic.twitter.com/bAJE6Vom

The perfect moment might not exist. This moment does. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Teddy Roosevelt

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt #Quotes

What stress can do to a body http://bit.ly/RFqq75  #stress #health #wellness

“The happiness of life is made up of the little charities of a kiss or smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment.” -Samuel Coleridge

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