Worth an article – my August 2012 tweets

I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.

However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share dozens of news that are worth your time.

I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate and environment

Michael Klare: Forget Hunger Games, we may be facing Hunger Wars http://www.tomdispatch.com/blog/175579/

Horrifying pics from Manila–people clinging to rooftops. ‘It’s like Waterworld’ #connectthedots http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/08/world/asia/flooding-in-philippines-grows-worse-as-thousands-flee-manila-and-desperate-residents-are-trapped-on-roofs.html …

10 Rapidly Vanishing Environmental Wonders http://ow.ly/cNXvq 

Look at this; this is all there’s left of the Arctic icecap, with weeks of melting to go: http://goo.gl/Y8oOt . We blew it.

Summer Arctic sea ice is going extinct 50% faster than predicted http://bit.ly/P7xw2O

Cleaning a River That Was Given Up for Dead http://nyti.ms/Pa2Y0o

Good news: 57% decline in carbon emissions (2004-2011) resulting from 78% drop in deforestation in Brazilian Amazon: http://goo.gl/fsucE

Australia a step closer to signing up for a 2nd round of Kyoto commitments http://ow.ly/1OqWR0  #unfccc #climate

Check out these stunning pictures of extreme weather. Are we ready for this to become the new normal? http://ow.ly/d2wkh

IEA : Limiting the long-term increase of global temperature to 2° Celsius is still possible: http://www.iea.org/newsroomandevents/news/2012/august/name,30638,en.html … #energy

Arctic sea ice area shrinks even further, reaches 2.65 million km2, 9% below previous low mark (2007): http://goo.gl/yGVxk

Drought could cost nation $77 billion with a B http://madisoncourier.com/main.asp?SectionID=4&SubSectionID=270&ArticleID=71759 …

Arctic sea ice area shrinking at record rate: 570,000 km2 lost in past 4 days; now only 760,000 km2 from Sept 2007 low: http://goo.gl/yGVxk 

Must-Read Hansen: ‘Climate Change Is Here — And Worse Than We Thought’ http://bit.ly/ORvRPE 

The net cooling effect of a young, healthy tree is equivalent to 10 room-size air conditioners operating 20 hrs a day http://j.mp/MT74uZ 

Neil deGrasse Tyson ?@neiltyson : I’m often asked whether I believe in Global Warming. I now just reply with the question: “Do you believe in Gravity?”

Energy and cleantech

How much has #solar #photovoltaic (PV) grown over the last decade? #renewableshttp://bit.ly/JgfG8k

Fuel Efficiency Drives America Toward a Sustainable Environment Economy http://bit.ly/OBWQel

Renewables supplied 25% of Germany’s electricity in first 6 months of ’12, up 20% over same period last year: http://bit.ly/N5PYIo

Windpower briefly hits 57% mark in CO. http://cnnmon.ie/MIFnR0

Solar Panel Costs Close to $0.50/Watt http://blog.cleantechies.com/2012/07/25/solar-panel-costs-close-to-0-50watt/ …

Solar PV Cost per GW http://ow.ly/1lSjoy

U.S Army Pouring $7B into #Renewables http://www.solarfeeds.com/u-s-army-pouring-7b-into-renewables/ …

Driven by Fuel Efficiency, U.S. Auto Industry Jobs Up Nearly A Quarter Million Since 2009 http://j.mp/QfGlUy

If you’ve been waiting to put up solar panels, now is the time and this is the company: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/12/magazine/the-secret-to-solar-power.html?pagewanted=all … (they’re great activists too)

Romney stumps for coal and Obama stumps for wind, in a fight that could define the 2012 presidential race: http://bit.ly/Pn562z

U.S. CO2 emissions from power production hit a 20-year low: http://bit.ly/Q7Nea7  Is it just a bright spot, or a larger trend?

“Economies d’énergie : les Français se relâchent” relate @le_parisien_fr http://bit.ly/Nen2KB

INFOGRAPHIC: How tar sands oil is produced. Here’s why tar sands oil is so much more dangerous: http://n.pr/OsFtxY  #noKXL

Here’s one way to stop coal mining: cut off the water http://bit.ly/O1vPjS

U.K.’s $39 Billion Severn #Tidal Power Seeks Sovereign Investors http://bit.ly/MJdbkn

The carbon tax, a climate change fix conservatives can love http://grist.org/climate-energy/a-climate-change-fix-conservatives-can-love/#.UDYzFNmAaaA.twitter … via @grist

Peabody Coal is paying the feds 25 cents per ton for coal that’s likely to sell for $35 per ton: http://bit.ly/PJdueI

The US wind industry has hit a historic milestone, 50 GW capacity and growing! http://invent.ge/O6kXTe

Today is SUNday in Germany: Wind and solar PV provide almost 50% of electricity demand at midday http://www.transparency.eex.com/de/

Investing in #solar heating & cooling technologies could save 800Mt of CO2 emissions per year by 2050 – @IEA report http://bit.ly/RMcR3S

#UK cuts feed-in tariff for #solar panels. Still, you make a return on investment of about 9% – more than at a bank! http://gu.com/p/39e3g/tw 

Renewables supplied 25% of Germany’s electricity in first 6 months of ’12, up 20% over same period last year: http://bit.ly/N5PYIo

Electricité : 400 milliards d’euros d’investissements d’ici 20 ans http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/cout-electricite-nucleaire-renouvelables-reseau-facture-16238.php4 …

How much has #solar #photovoltaic (PV) grown over the last decade? #renewableshttp://bit.ly/JgfG8k 

How much has #wind power grown since 2000? #renewableshttp://bit.ly/JgfG8k 

Renewable energy kept one Indian village out of the dark during the mega-blackout. That’s the upgrade we need: http://reut.rs/Rf8hc6 

How Much Solar Can China Install Domestically? 100GW by 2020? : Greentech Media http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/How-Much-Solar-Can-China-Install-Domestically-100GW-by-2020/ …


Even temporary rises in local temps significantly damage long-term economic growth in developing nations: http://bit.ly/Rm2IeX

Top 20 #Sustainable Business Leaders on Twitter. Did we leave any out? http://www.2degreesnetwork.com/groups/managing-sustainability/resources/top-20-sustainable-business-leaders-twitter/#.UCzDqp67vJc.twitter …

Deputy Prime Minister “Our vision 4 Singapore is a climate resilient global city that is well positioned 4 green growth…http://bit.ly/S0IngZ

Business Benefits of Sustainability http://bit.ly/RexKWC  #susty #green #csr

“Nations that have strong policy commitments to clean energy already reap the economic rewards” http://huff.to/PPPsij

Blog: 4 TED Talks for Anyone Thinking About a Green Career http://bit.ly/ONotmY  #jobs #energy #green #environment

Blog: How Your Business Can Save Energy This Summer http://bit.ly/NcNkx2  #energy #green #environment


MIT and Harvard build what they call a robotic earthworm but they will make a real killing with it as a sex toy. http://www.treehugger.com/gadgets/darpa-funds-robotic-earthworm.html …

It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. ~ Epictetus

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