Worth an article – My July 2012 tweets

This month's selection of tweets I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.

However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share dozens of news that are worth your time.

I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate and environmental issues

#China to invest over US$300 billion by 2015 in #energy conservation and #environmental protection http://ow.ly/c3eYf

Trillions at stake in #sealevelrise for 20 global port cities http://bit.ly/NMpo2v  Report shows how numbers will swell by 2070 #climate

Breathtaking… A Stunning Visualization of China’s Air Pollution http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/07/a-stunning-visualization-of-chinas-air-pollution/259455 …

Billions of people and trillions of dollars in infrastructure are at risk from rising sea levels: http://bit.ly/ORusHK  #350ppm

RT @worldresources: Coral Reef Emergency: 2,600 Scientists Call For Worldwide Rescue http://lnkd.in/uAABEe  #oceans

A. Merkel: “2 degree target stretches absorption capacity of this planet to the limit. Kyoto Prot is a litmus test for ind countries”.

An @UN report urges improved #fisheries management to help ensure food security http://bit.ly/POhn3p

In the past year, the U.S. broke 25,313 heat records. How hot can it get? Let’s not find out! http://bit.ly/MzP3LM

‘The Dust Bowl of 2012?: Drought Covers Majority Of U.S. And ‘Might Be A $50 Billion Event For The Economy’ http://clmpr.gs/OcSnAc 

20 million people displaced in Bangladeshi flooding http://www.wunderground.com/blog/JeffMasters/show.html …

Crop “conditions are really starting to decline even in areas that are supposed to be pretty good” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-07-23/crop-ratings-drop-as-worst-u-s-drought-since-1956-persists-2-.html …

Aren’t trees awesome? A new study shows that urban vegetation can clean the air 8x more than previously thought http://goo.gl/Ld7ES

BBC News – EU should commit to tougher emissions target, to boost ambition and drive investment say ECC Committee http://bbc.in/PXXGlh

Pollution? RT @factsandtrivia In China, a baby is born with a birth defect every 30 minutes. Birth defects increased nearly 40% since 2001.

If Koch money can’t even buy off scientists anymore, have we won? Not yet. But close. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/30/opinion/the-conversion-of-a-climate-change-skeptic.html?_r=4&pagewanted=all …

2 million out of their homes in flooding in Assam, most sheltering under tarps http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/nearly-half-a-million-people-in-relief-camps-as-monsoon-floods-kill-81-in-indias-northeast/2012/07/02/gJQAldvgHW_story.html

@TheScienceGuy tells CNN to stop giving climate deniers a platform. “The two sides aren’t equal.” http://ow.ly/bZd9E

76% of contiguous US now ‘abnormally dry’ or in moderate to exceptional drought, up from 37% a year ago; +4% this week: http://goo.gl/sn1J1

You want hot? 3,215 daily high temp records set or tied http://bit.ly/N1G3C5 during June; 1,748 for temps of 100°F or higher.

Of Course A Carbon Tax Is The Solution To Climate Change http://onforb.es/MCjzKw

A Carbon Tax, Sensible for All – http://NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/NaJffs

Regulators set tough CO2 limits for new coal plants in NY on Thursday: http://bit.ly/LxyteZ Mwahaha.

Our oceans (and the resources they provide) are not unlimited and we need to take care of them http://j.mp/La8pZ0

Energy and cleantech

@IEA produces around 70 #free #publications a year. http://bit.ly/JXPyml  #energy

This clever system for rooftop #solar can help reduce installation costs by more than half http://goo.gl/ejaxM  #green

Morocco: 40% Renewable by 2020 http://ow.ly/1lnWRC

China leads as global clean energy investment jumps 24 percent in Q2 2012: http://ht.ly/ce1LA

India set to blow past its solar generation targets by twofold, likely install 40GW by 2022 http://ow.ly/cduJ6

Blog: World’s Largest Wave Energy Project Headed for Australian Coast http://bit.ly/Nv2rky  #energy #green #environment

Renewable heating & cooling is the next big thing: it’s cost effective and reduces the burden on the grid http://reneweconomy.com.au/2012/solar-insights-is-solar-hot-water-and-cooling-the-next-big-thing-23890 …

Race to develop #nuclear energy between billionaire Richard Branson and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates http://gu.com/p/396b2/tw  #Obama #USA

‘Any saved unit of energy at industry level equals three units less demand on the generation side.’ http://bit.ly/MKlzMe 

Oil ! Because solar panels and wind turbines are such an eyesore ! http://fb.me/1jY7EU1QI

Solar Energy Isn’t Only the Future — It’s Right Now! http://www.marketwatch.com/story/solar-energy-isnt-only-the-future-its-right-now-2012-07-30 …

75 times lighter than styrofoam and 95% compressible, aerographite is the future of #sustainable transportation | http://invent.ge/MZhl52 

China’s rapidly growing domestic solar PV target for 2015: 5 GW (May11) – 10 GW (June11) – 15 GW (Dec11) – 20 GW (now): http://goo.gl/nojkx

Power from rooftop #solar in #Brazil costs less than electricity sold by 10 of the country’s 63 power distributors! http://bloom.bg/N8S75h

Congrats to Irish ‘blue energy’ company @Wavebob for winning the SmartBay Innovator of the Year award. http://bit.ly/KZCcXH @siliconrepublic

Study says clean growth is ‘going mainstream’ http://bit.ly/LwXPeW #cleantech

#Japan kicked off a new era in #renewable #energy with feed-in #tariffs for #solar #power + other #renewables | #Energy #Markets.

IEA sees renewable energy growth accelerating over next 5 years http://www.iea.org/newsroomandevents/pressreleases/2012/july/name,28200,en.html

#China to invest over US$300 billion by 2015 in #energy conservation and #environmental protection http://ow.ly/c3eYf


California to build $68 billion high-speed rail http://smrt.io/MKv4Q6

Cities are leading the charge on climate action http://bit.ly/MRskjS

3 of the 5 richest corporations on earth are oil companies. Why are we subsidizing them again? http://bit.ly/OyeKxy

Is a sustainable future within reach? http://bit.ly/OY1SRx

20 million people displaced in Bangladeshi flooding http://www.wunderground.com/blog/JeffMasters/show.html …

A Carbon Tax is More Viable than Cap and Trade – Energy Collective http://bit.ly/O798er

London 2012: The greenest games ever? Interesting 2degrees blog on the #sustainability challenges of the Games. http://bit.ly/Mue5QD

Hey, a contraceptive gel men might actually use: http://bit.ly/LS66JE This could be a big deal.

“In a culture that adores ownership, why do so few people care about truly taking ownership of items?” http://ow.ly/c1WZr #DIY #gadgets

Organic Tomatoes Have Higher Antioxidant Content Than Non-Organic reports @matmcdermott http://ow.ly/c2VXf


10 Extraordinary Photographs of the Starry Night Sky http://ow.ly/cxN13

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. ~ Plato

“There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come” Victor Hugo.

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” -Goethe

Discovered another gem by Miles Davis, My Funny Valentine. Reminds me of Cowboy Bebop 🙂 😀 😛

Four people last week became fan of Sustainable development and much more on #Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/sustainabledevelopmentandmuchmore … Join them today ! 🙂

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