IEA pushes for more renewables, efficiency, faster

The prestigious International Energy Agency published this week an interesting report on both renewables and efficiency and how they are being deployed. The results are clear :

Despite growing very fast, cleantech is not growing fast enough to prevent catastrophic climate change. Under the business as usual scenario, temperatures would warm by 6°C this century.

Among many other measures, the IEA stresses the importance of ending fossil fuels subsidies, deploying carbon capture and storage and promoting energy efficiency everywhere.

To support this publication, the executive director of the International Energy Agency, Maria van der Hoeven, had a great article published on The Guardian where she presents  three key recommendations :

  • First, level the playing field for clean energy technologies. this means ending fossil fuels subsidies. (These amounted to $409bn worldwide in 2010, against the $66bn allotted for renewable energy support) ;
  • Second, unlock the potential of energy efficiency, which she calls the “hidden fuel of the future “ The IEA has developed 25 energy efficiency policy recommendations that, if implemented globally now, could cumulatively save about 7.3 gigatonnes of CO2 a year by 2030. ;
  • And finally, accelerate energy innovation and public support for research, development and demonstration.

To Ms. van der Hoeven ” The present state of affairs is unacceptable precisely because we have a responsibility and a golden opportunity to act. “ I could not agree more…

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