Worth an article – my January 2012 tweets

OOOoops. I think I got a tad, a wee bit, a little late on that one. Indeed, I am presenting you my selections of tweets for January with one month late. Be reassured, the February selection will come this week as well.

I still believe Twitter offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me. However, I am wondering if I should propose you a selection of my tweets each month.

It indeed takes A LOT of time. Please tell me if you want to keep it or I shall stop publishing those selections.

Nature and Climate

Deforestation in Brazil has lessened, but signs of shift in gov’t’s attitude toward the Amazon raises concern http://nyti.ms/wROmD1

Between Pakistan, Russia and Guatemala, thousands of lives have been lost in weather disasters http://ow.ly/8ArSP

An Illustrated Guide to Climate Change in 2011 http://bit.ly/ACAaen

Fatih Birol (IEA): coal accounted for half of growth in global energy consumption 2000-2010. #WFES2012

Blog: Power Plants Emit 72% of US Greenhouse Gases by Stationary Sources http://bit.ly/x3rjX2


From Gadgets to Gigawatts: The monster energy footprint of digital tech http://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2009/06/embodied-energy-of-digital-technology.html via @lowtechmagazine

Picking up the $500 Billion Bill on The Ground: Driving the Next Industrial Revolution Through Efficiency http://bit.ly/zBydw8

Did You Know? Gas Cars Use More Electricity Than EVshttp://www.solarfeeds.com/did-you-know-gas-cars-use-more-electricity-than-evs/

SunEdison to invest US$4.6bn on #Japanese solar #plantshttp://goo.gl/hZNfO

Siemens estimates Germany’s exit from nuclear power could cost 1.7 trillion Euros by 2030 http://ht.ly/8xPUE

US #energyefficiency market expands in slow market $59 billion in sales and estimated growth of 6-7% in 2011 http://bit.ly/w0JkAp

Wave, Tidal, Hydro Can Provide 1/3 of US Electricity by 2030: http://t.co/vFC9crQv

New consumer study finds energy efficiency is the top “dream home” feature sought by homebuyers http://ht.ly/8vd29

IBM developing EV battery with 500-mile range http://ht.ly/8sk27 Our segment on this breakthrough http://ht.ly/8skcl

2035 global energy demand will need $20tr investmenthttp://bit.ly/xWxNPW

China figures wind power will become cheaper than coal from 2020. Plans to have 200,000 MW by then: http://bit.ly/1TWind

Every solar panel (200 W) installed will keep 3 tonnes of CO2 out of the atmosphere in the first 25 years of operation, on average.


70% of companies place #sustainability permanently on management agendas; 2/3 say it’s necessary to be competitive. http://ow.ly/8IUug

Bill Richardson says it’s time for an “Arab Spring for the Environment”http://bit.ly/xRw14a

A look at the $175 in your compost http://bit.ly/wdoUlp

44%: The amount global energy demand will increase by 2030. http://su.pr/1v7QoB

Tata Technologies Has a Small, Affordable EV: An EV for $20,000? That seems like it would address the most press… http://bit.ly/xPfFus

12 green business predictions for 2012 http://bit.ly/uS38xL


“When small men cast big shadows, it means the sun is about to set.” -Lyn Yutang

Surround yourself by people who add value to your life- trim the ones who don’t value you. #posi

“There comes a time when silence is betrayal.” – Martin Luther King Jr. #Quotes

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'” (Dr. #MLK, Jr.) How are you helping your community today?


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