Annie Leonard’s latest : The Story of Broke

Do you remember Annie Leonard’s great documentaries The Story of Stuff and the Story of Cosmetics ? Well, she did a few other more, including the latest : The Story of Broke.

In this eight-minute animated clip, she tackles the huge problem of subsidies of all kinds that are given to what she calls ” the Dinosaur Economy “. (Big Ag, Big Food and of course Big Oil…)

Stating that we are not broke but that our economy is broken, she urges us to take back the power and start fighting those subsidies to get a healthier economy and a more enjoyable environment.

Annie Leonard is tackling America in her documentaries, but what is valuable there is also valuable here, in Europe (or Asia, or Latin America, Africa…)

It’s time WE the People claim our economy, our world back.

2 thoughts on “Annie Leonard’s latest : The Story of Broke”

  1. annie leonard–teacher of the year–mother–woman…she distills the subject of self empowerment down to basics…what a solid person she is; i aleays wondered why people did not buy her videos and display them in every school-church-library or aylum..she brings sanity to everyone..

  2. I agree, each of her videos are so full of paradigm-shifting stuff it’s hard to note everything.

    Why buy them since they can be accessed for free with a connection though ? 😛 The wonder of the Internet 😀

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