Worth an article – My October 2011 tweets

I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.

However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share dozens of news that are worth your time.

I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate change and environment

Most popular post today: Australia is so, so screwed http://bit.ly/op8qYh

RT @NBCNewYork: NYC has already broken an Oct snow record with 1.3 inches in Central Park

MT @olavkjorven: El Salvador: Up to 1500 mm rain in 10 days. President: One of most dramatic disasters in our history http://t.co/yzxqGRXE

Guardian: Map reveals stark divide in who caused climate change and who’s being hit bit.ly/uzVuJf

Koch funded study confirms climate data: bit.ly/vpJtsR

A Big Source of Climate Confusion: The Factor of 3.67 Difference Between Carbon vs. Carbon Dioxide http://clmpr.gs/okWEHM

USGS Expert Explains How Global Warming Likely Contributes to East Africa’s Brutal Drought http://clmpr.gs/p6bBSw

Great chart: The observed rate of Arctic ice loss exceeds the projections of all IPCC climate models. http://t.co/vCUJKyhc

African nations hold first annual meeting on climate change, economic development http://t.co/ljnOLGFc

Even Republicans Favor EPA Clean Air Rules that Republicans are Trying to Block http://clmpr.gs/nMTN3T

The Associated Press: China imposes nationwide tax on energy, resources – http://goo.gl/IH4Th for 770 million USD / year !

Global Food Prices Expected to Climb, Get More Volatile http://clmpr.gs/on1nbN This is crazy :/

Bombshell: Democrats Taking “Green” Positions on Climate Change “Won Much More Often” Than Those Remaining Silent http://clmpr.gs/qbhWeC !

Cleantech and energy

Canada Could Be Powered Entirely With Geothermal, Scientists Say http://blog.cleantechies.com/2011/09/26/canada-could-be-powered-entirely-with-geothermal-scientists-say/ via @Cleantechies

More Corn is Used For Ethanol in U.S. Than For Food or Feed — The Top Five Reasons We Should Stop This Madness http://t.co/vClOXsiK

China Wind Capacity May Reach 1,000 GW by 2050 http://t.co/HqGzAMBw CleanTechnica

Stumbled on excellent 2007 look at Japan’s experience with energy efficiency & conservation: http://t.co/yUsM5Og4

Chevron Announces $7.8 Billion in Q3 Profits, 2011 Profits for Big-Five Oil Companies Hit a Staggering $101 Billion http://t.co/EmD3dvLH

BP Doubles Profits in Third Quarter to $4.9 Billion bit.ly/s5OAtV

Cost of Subsidizing Fossil Fuels Is High, but Cutting Them Is Tough http://t.co/gg7NrUjg
Fossil fuel subsidies will hit $660 billion by 2020 http://t.co/OWbOI8Ih

Scientists are working on a carbon-eating paint, capable of turning emissions into limestone: http://t.co/ekogCbsT

A Gigawatt of Solar in Namibia http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/a-gigawatt-of-solar-in-namibia/

India likely to see 3,000 MW wind power addition in 2011 http://t.co/OQreaIEd

RT @tveitdal: Planetsave: How to be a Greener Driver http://bit.ly/ogr1a7

Toyota developed electric car battery lasting up to 1,000 km per charge, 5x more than now, commercialization 2015-2020 http://t.co/Nqsav3fU

Almost half of 194 GW new power generation installed globally in 2010 was renewable: wind 39 GW, hydro 30, solar PV 17 (@ren21)

Global non-hydro renewable electricity capacity jumped by 25%, from 250 to 312 GW, in 2010 alone

RT @solarfeeds: Geothermal Energy: The Future of Clean Energy? http://bit.ly/pQ36HP

Sustainable development

Big investment needed over next 20 years to provide #electricity to 1.3 billion people worldwide who lack it http://bit.ly/o6Nj9n #energy

RT @Demos_Org In the average day, #WallStreet gambles w/ over $6T in assets, or 1/3 of total U.S. yearly income. http://bit.ly/nTUUTc #OWS

Remarkable! Directors of FTSE-100, UK’s largest companies, got an average pay rise of 49% last year: http://ind.pn/Payr49

Feeding 9B people by 2050 with rapidly worsening climate may well be the greatest challenge human race has ever faced. http://t.co/1gnn0Gdi

Tax more to fight climate change – report bit.ly/sWrP91

Check out these helpful hints to keep home heating costs down this winter http://t.co/0rarGg1C

New Carbon Tax Means 1 Million Australians Won’t Have to Pay Income Taxes http://t.co/3dCvYoyD NOW THIS IS REALLY SMART !

Which is better: Buying Local or Fair Trade? Not sure? There’s an #Infographic ! http://t.co/7QqEGmme


Are We Going to Roll Up Our Sleeves or Limp On? – NYTimes.com – http://goo.gl/LyVvo

Why oh why are governments clinging to setting objectives to 2050 ? Why not something nearer like 2015 ? Companies do so 🙂

“Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” Great quote, awesome #stevejobs 🙂

#epicwin : Luke Skywalker Occupies the Empire. Combining #starwars and #occupywallstreet wp.me/p1TzwM-8t /

Another great essential read from Thomas Friedman : Imagined in America http://t.co/ithzoubz

“The mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it’s not open”. – Frank Zappa

29 WordPress Tweaks to Improve Posts and Pages http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/wordpress-tweaks-for-post-management/

The Ultimate Guide to Green WordPress Themes http://t.co/A88p94fZ

SEO: The Free Beginner’s Guide From SEOmoz – http://goo.gl/79cXx In case you needed it 🙂

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