Global CO2 emissions up by 45% since 1990

CleanTechies gives us some data on something absolutely terrible for a global future :
” Global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) increased by 45 % between 1990 and 2010, and reached an all-time high of 33 billion tons in 2010. “

” Increased energy , energy and the growing contribution of are not compensating for the globally increasing demand for power and transport, which is strongest in developing countries.”

(…) After a 1% decline in 2009, global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions increased by more than 5% in 2010, which is unprecedented in the last two decades (…) “

but similar to the increase in 1976 when the global economy was recovering from the first oil crisis and subsequent stock market crash.

(…) Over the period 1990-2010, in the European Union and Russia CO2 emissions decreased by 7% and 28% respectively, while the USA’s emissions increased by 5% and the Japanese emissions remained more or less constant.

(…) At present, the USA emits 16.9 tons CO2 per capita per year, over twice as much as Europe with 8.1 tons. By comparison, Chinese per capita CO2 emissions of 6.8 tons are still below the Europe average, but now equal those of Italy.

For further data, please check out the article on Cleantechies or the original post from the Environmental News Network.

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