My thousandth post here : please answer the poll

I am publishing today my thousandth post. Started in the first hours of 2007, this blog has received since then more and more visitors and more and more people subscribed. Thank you all !

I would like to take the opportunity to start a poll among you, visitors, readers and subscribers. Indeed, to increase this blog’s success I would like to know what you think about my humble blog.

So please, take one minute of your time to answer these few questions. This will enable me to better answer your needs and wants. Please receive all my thanks in advance !

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Finally, if you have ideas to improve this website or just want to tell about your opinion, please feel free to leave a comment ! Thanks a lot !

2 thoughts on “My thousandth post here : please answer the poll”

  1. happy Methusela’s: your blog is now officially old..and ever new.
    if i voted for a new face–it is my feminine artiste side showing, i want a line between your intro and the main text…
    personal opinion pieces each week- there are many subjects to rake and rant from .
    i also enjoy the positive aspect of your research.
    satisfied reader..toujours contente de te lire.

  2. Thanks a lot Nadine for voting and giving me additional feedback. This is much welcomed ! 🙂

    I will have a look soon at how I can change the top of the website and put the introduction in a different way…

    I also thought more personal thoughts and tips would be welcomed.

    I hadn’t regarded my research as positive, but thanks for that, I really appreciate 🙂

    Such feedback gives me energy to write another thousand articles ! 🙂

    It is always a pleasure to read from you, look forward to having this pleasure soon !

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