Which kind of booze is best for the Planet ?

This was the question asked recently by the Mother Jones Network. Albeit the article is for US based readers, it brings interesting details for global readers who like to party or simply pour themselves a stiff one.

Indeed, regarding greenhouse gases emissions and climate change: ” beer beats tequila” and ” whiskey tops rum”.It is worth noting that to them, wine should be bottled in Tetrapack… (a bloody shame for a French like me)

Anyway, have a look at it as it might really interest you. You will be able to learn all you need to know about the carbon footprint of your favorite alcoholic beverage.

2 thoughts on “Which kind of booze is best for the Planet ?”

  1. an interesting subject here, although i don’t have a drink for several years at a time, i appreciate the map of the big boozeprint on our part of earth.
    merci, et comme je suis fille du terroir, je ne represente pas mon heritage tres bien..mais boire le vin en tetrapack? ah non, je veux ma bouteille et je prefere mon cher Pineau de famille, alas, pas servi ici.

  2. Encore merci Nadine pour ton commentaire.

    Boire du vin en tétrapack est effectivement pour nous, Français de coeur et de naissance une ineptie. Mais bon, nous avons tous nos vices…

    Bonne continuation et à bientot 🙂

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