A creative idea for the plastic in our oceans

I don’t know if this the most interesting or the craziest idea I came across this year : WHIM Architecture outlined a plan to create Recycled Island which would collect plastic in our oceans and use it to build an Hawaii-sized island.

On top of cleaning our oceans from all this mess this project could serve as a home for future climate refugees and as an example of sustainable habitat and lifestyle.

Of course this idea has very little – or none at all – chance to become a reality as it will be horrendously expansive and would require huge amounts of energy but I still like it. More on TreeHugger and Inhabitat.

1 thought on “A creative idea for the plastic in our oceans”

  1. Good day,

    I am French and I work on a bamboo plantation project in Guyana with Amerindian communities.
    I could use some help… shall we talk
    best regards

    Bernard Bouygues

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