Worth an article – my April 2010 tweets

I have been committed for three years to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.

However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. However, many more great news are worth reading and blogging about so I had to find a way to share them with you.

This solution came last year with my use of Twitter as I use my account to share with my followers news that are worth your time. Here is a selection of the most interesting ones.


RT@OurWorld20: ‘World needs a barometer of life’ – http://bit.ly/drrbae

RT @jeanlucr: Noise Pollution: The Scarcity of Silence. Great infographic http://j.mp/9aWjUc

RT @TreeHugger: Hmmm, Americans No Greener In Past Decade, Environmental Activism Declining: New Gallup Poll http://bit.ly/brYwxe


RT @jhiskes: 2009 was a banner year for wind power. 39 percent of new electrical generation was wind, says AWEA report http://nyti.ms/a

RT @enerzine: La capacité éolienne mondiale atteindra 409 GW en 2014 http://goo.gl/fb/NvFiT

RT @TheOilDrum: * Nothing New in Obama Plan for Offshore Drilling http://su.pr/1en0vh * #politics #peakoil #energy #oil #gas $$ $UNG $USO

RT @TheOilDrum: RT @pkedrosky Peak Oil is Soooo …. May of 2008 http://bit.ly/dpXlmq (a very interesting post…we obviously need to be

RT @JaymiHeimbuch: Cleantech Investing Predicted to Shoot Up 35% This Year http://bit.ly/cCXprA

India Launches Energy Conservation Fund, Aims At Saving 25,000 MW : CleanTechnica http://bit.ly/bRcshe

Sustainable development

RT @CleanTechies: News: ‘Cash for Caulkers’ Promises $6 Billion Boost for Energy Efficiency http://bit.ly/apFZbV

RT @JaymiHeimbuch: Crazy and cool, I like penguins best — Endangered Species Captured in Legos http://bit.ly/bmXc3R

RT @Revkin: The debate over geoengineering may be subset of a deeper unease- over the need for humans to become planetkeepers: http://j.

Climate change

RT @CleanTechies: News: Carbon Offset, Carbon Credits — How to Buy a Clean Conscience http://bit.ly/cZsYdq #cleantech #green #renewable

RT @Revkin: Strong (unsurprising) signals of tough times ahead for climate treaty efforts: http://j.mp/ClimPath #cop15 #cop16 #agw

Electric cars

RT @greenoptions: Should EV batteries be on a different leasing contract than the car? http://bit.ly/aKt7ub

RT @enerzine: L’Irlande veut 10% de véhicules électriques d’ici 2020 http://goo.gl/fb/j3MUy

RT @GreenUnivers: 12 villes pilotes, 50 000 véhicules électriques : la France dévoile son plan (Premium) – http://bit.ly/bIGEt0

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