Europe goes forward on energy

I found during the past few weeks news showing that Europe is investing more and more in solving the climate / energy equation by using various solutions : energy efficiency, smart grids and renewable energies.

Here are some examples : Sweden pledged this week for the installation of 2,000 wind turbines by the year 2020 and the United Kingdom is working on efficiency in the building sector.

Additionally, several countries are due to invest 30 billions euros in smart grids to connect renewable energy sources from across the continent.

All this is good news but we will have to do much more as oil won’t remain for ever below the $100 per barrel threshold. Additionally, greenhouse gases keep on reinforcing climate change, a serious threat to the stability of our continent and our planet.

I believe each and every 27 members of our Union needs to work in the same time on energy efficiency, renewables and nuclear (among other means).

This will require investing billion of euros in the next decades but I believe this is the only realistic answer to our current triple crisis.

1 thought on “Europe goes forward on energy”

  1. Pingback: Italy to build four nuclear reactors by 2020 :: Sustainable development and much more

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