Follow the Copenhagen negotiations

COP 15 blue logoFor the duration of the Copenhagen Climate Conference – due to prepare the future of the Kyoto Protocol – I added to the sidebar of this blog the Climate Scoreboard proposed by Climate Interactive.

To the graph the business as usual scenario would increase temperatures by 4.8°C by 2100, current proposals would bring increase in temperatures of 3.8°C while we need to limit these increases to less than 2°C. (see why there)

This means that we already did one third of what we need to do. We have less than two weeks to reach an agreement that would allow us to do the two remaining thirds.

With many developing nations stepping up and Europe keeping its role of leader, I believe a quite satisfactory agreement can be achieved.

Since the sidebar version is a tad too small, I add it here as well :

Many thanks to Franke James who enabled me to discover this !

1 thought on “Follow the Copenhagen negotiations”

  1. Pingback: The huge failure of the Copenhagen conference :: Sustainable development and much more

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