Romania builds largest onshore wind farm in EU

wind-turbinesThis just broke in : Romania will have in 2011 the largest onshore wind farm in the European Union with 240 wind turbines accounting for no less than 600 MW of installed capacity.

This 1.1 billion Euro ($1.6 billion) project is done in order to offset the emissions of the dirty coal fired plants of the Czech power group CEZ behind this project. Please refer to the Reuters’ article for  more details on the deal.

To the data provided by CARMA, the country’s electricity needs are met with 51 percent of fossil fuels, 32 percent of hydro while the remaining comes from nuclear.

This is nice to see that Eastern European countries are working on decreasing their emissions and cut their dependance on old and dirty coal-fired plants.

Meanwhile I twitted last month that Poland is planning to build its first nuclear reactor to answer its increasing energy needs and rely less on coal.

As I noted earlier (cf. Eastern European countries are plagued by coal), this energy source is a massive problem for the latest EU members.

6 thoughts on “Romania builds largest onshore wind farm in EU”

  1. Pingback: Romania builds largest onshore wind farm in EU GF power

  2. Pingback: Romania builds largest onshore wind farm in EU FZ power

  3. Pas étonnant, le sud de la Roumanie a des faux airs de steppe d’Asie centrale. C’est plat à en être désespérant.

    Mais c’est bien qu’ils se lancent dans cette voie. Comme c’est dit dans la dépêche de Reuters, ils ont une grosse dépendance énergétique vis-à-vis de la Russie pour le gaz. Et puis une bonne partie de l’électricité de la Moldavie roumaine du Sud vient de l’Ukraine toute proche.

  4. romania is the less dependent east european country on russian gas and oil.We still can produce arround 20 bilion cubic meters of gas (our necesity is arround 30 bilion) and 6 milion tones of oil( 50% of internal need)…so ..inform yourself first.The southern part of Romania is much better than southern Spain or Sicily or other stepic arreas of Europe….in terms of annual rain quantity and precipitation..indeed central Dobrogea and Southern Dobrogea could be desolated but that is charm of steppe areas..Romania is the bigger exporter and producer of electicity in the region(take a look on if you don’t belive me) ..the biggest producer of electric power using water power in the region…the biggest hidropower plant in Europe was buit by Romania/Serbia in 1970-ies

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