4,000 MW of wind power in France

wind-turbines-france I would like to announce that my first article at CleanTechies has been published today. This is both a huge pleasure and a honor to write for such a blog. Here is an extract:

According to an article [Fr] from the AFP, the installed wind power capacity in France reached 4,000 MW. In line with the targets set by the Grenelle, up to 25 GW will have to be installed by 2020.

To read the full post, please check out this link. If you have any question please leave it there. If it’s for a comment or a message of congratulations, please do it here ! 😉

Of course this article is the first of what I hope will be a long series. I will announce them here, so you won’t miss any.

Even better : don’t hesitate to subscribe to CleanTechies, there are many other people writing there on everything related to cleantech. I did so for months and always found there great stuff.

Many many thanks to Ceylan Oney and the whole CleanTechies team.

Photo credit: Flickr/Gregory Tonon

3 thoughts on “4,000 MW of wind power in France”

  1. Thanks Tim, it is a pleasure to see my work published by such a blog.

    As I said in the post, it is only the first of what I hope will be a long series.

    If this endeavor was a success I may also submit my work to other blogs in the sustainability and cleantech areas.

    So stay tuned my friend ! 🙂

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