Worth an article: my March 2009 tweets

twitter-earthriseSince I don’t have that much time to blog, I restrain myself to publishing here around 25 articles per month. However, many more great news are worth reading and blogging about.

My goal being to provide you with the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector , I had to find a solution.

This solution came with my use of Twitter. Like every month since October, here is my selection of tweets on worth reading news and articles.


  • HuffPost: Brazil Flips The Switch On Uranium Enrichment Plant http://is.gd/lC1N Brazil to go deeper into nuclear ?
  • ohoh ! To the Oil Drum Saudi Arabia’s Crude Oil Production Peaked in 2005 http://is.gd/lEgY Are we in deep trouble ?
  • Repower America’s solar ads is a killer… but the US also are the Saudi Arabia of energy efficiency: http://is.gd/lJ4X
  • Wall St Journal: We can double the output of solar and wind, and double it again. We’ll still depend on hydrocarbons. http://is.gd/lTCl
  • .eco websites soon on the Internet ? Read out more on TreeHugger: http://is.gd/m8gY
  • $168 Billion Could be Saved by Federal Energy Efficiency Resource Standard http://is.gd/oEZd

Sustainable development

  • http://bit.ly/DtWal Huffpost – Administration Announces $8 Billion In Weatherization, Efficiency Grants
  • on Huff Post: Where’s the Nano Americano? http://is.gd/mFKF Will Tata’s tiny car come to the US ?
  • Microsoft Aims At 30% Emissions Reduction by 2012 http://is.gd/nxwp Now, could all the IT sector do it ?
  • on TreeHugger: UN Ups Its Low Population Growth Scenario for 2050: Developed World Birthrates Increase http://is.gd/o2IN
  • Australia’s Carbon Cap System Will Cost Coal Companies $3.5 Billion http://is.gd/oTWR
  • An interesting article on light pollution: Starry, Starry Night Becoming a Thing of the Past http://is.gd/povC
  • How to reduce your water footprint… Because there is not only carbon.http://is.gd/nTZJ


  • Dow Jones during the 1929 and the following years vs nowadays. http://is.gd/lPi3 in French, but the graph speaks for itself.
  • Most inspiring: Thomas Friedman on the NY Times: The Inflection Is Near? http://is.gd/mvUf Fantastic article!

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