Worth an article: my February 2009 tweets

twitter-earthriseSince I don’t have that much time to blog, I restrain myself to publishing here around 25 articles per month. However, many more great news are worth reading and blogging about.

My goal being to provide you with the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector , I had to find a solution.

It finally came with my use of Twitter. Indeed, each time I find a news worth reading I tweet about it. Here are my 25 best tweets this month.


  • on The Daily Green: Scientists Bring Unprecedented Attention to Ocean Acidification http://is.gd/i4RK

Climate change

  • on TreeHugger : Indonesia to Allow More Palm Oil From Peat Lands: Watch Greenhouse Gas Emissions Go Through the Roof http://is.gd/jYlc


  • Also on TreeHugger: Solar Hot Water First. Then Photovoltaics. http://is.gd/kXKe Interesting.
  • on TreeHugger: 6.4 Gigawatts of Offshore Wind Farms Slated for Scotland http://is.gd/l1Cp
  • Italy to build new nuclear reactors.http://is.gd/kOFU France will build them ! 🙂
  • More wave energy: 1 Gigawatt of Marine Power to be Developed by 2020 in the UK & Ireland http://is.gd/kNGv
  • On TreeHugger: China To Invest $36.5 Billion to Upgrade Electric Grid http://is.gd/kIai
  • Combining wave power and wind energy is possible: http://is.gd/jjOz Would be useful for offshore wind farms
  • Obama: The Country With the Cheapest Clean Energy Will Win the Economic Competition of the Future http://is.gd/jjO0 Friedman was right !
  • Sweden keeps its nuclear plants and may build some in the future ! http://is.gd/j1fQ

Sustainable development

  • Jean-Louis Borloo va lancer un “Grenelle de la mer” http://is.gd/kEuU Now a Grenelle for sea issues
  • on HuffPost: Economic stimulus, clean energy and the scale of our challenge: grading the stimulus energy investments http://is.gd/k9fa
  • Think we are in a mess ? Could be worse: Lord Nicholas Stern Paints Dire Climate Change Scenario: Extended World War http://is.gd/kwii
  • HuffPo Green: Quarter Of World’s Food Production Could Be Lost In Environmental Breakdowns http://is.gd/kdR3
  • Restructuring the U.S. Transport System: The Potential of High-Speed Rail http://is.gd/janf Thanks Meryn !
  • on TreeHugger: 7 Geoengineering Solutions That Promise To Save Humans from Climate Change http://is.gd/i6f9


  • +90,200 unemployed people in France in ONEmonth. that’s a lot and an all time record. :'(
  • On Huff Post: Paul Volcker: Economic Crisis May Be Worse Than Great Depression http://is.gd/kmmf :'(


I hope you liked this as I do this every month to complement my blogging.

Please note that each article published on this blog are announced and linked on my Twitter. So if you are already using Twitter and like this blog, don’t hesitate to follow me !

I look forward to reading from your comments on this idea or the news mentioned there.

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