Great astrophotographies – January 2009

Planetary Nebula NGC 2818  This is that time of the month: the one for me to present my selection of the best pictures of the NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD). I would like to give this a special emphasis on Mars, as I finished the Martian Trilogy.

As always, this month was packed with beautiful images and it was very difficult to select just twelve. I am absolutely amazed at how many splendors can be seen at night.

For the first selection of astrophotographies of 2009 I would like to propose you the thumbnails ofthe images that caught my attention and not the usual links with plain boring text.

Since this takes more time than just the links, please tell me which solution do you prefer: the links to the images or the images ?

In any case, I hope you liked this post and look forward to reading your comments.

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