Let’s play tag !

Daryl Warner Laux at Verda Vivo tagged me. To the rule of the game, I have to publish the rules, tag seven people,  and let you know seven things about me.

This is a first for me as I never indulged before in blogging games. But it is the occasion to give a little personal touch to this blog and to promote blogs I wouldn’t otherwise.

I hope you will enjoy this post and and find my selection interesting. I look forward to reading your comments.

The rules for ’social-networking’ tagging:

  1. Link to the person who tagged you.
  2. Post the rules on your blog.
  3. Share seven things about yourself – some random, some weird.
  4. Tag seven people at the end of your post and link to them.
  5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog and/or Twitter.
  6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.

Seven things about me:

  1. Like Marguerite, I love swimming. When the city’s swimming pool opens up – only during summers – I swim a kilometer daily;
  2. I have been a computer geek for the past five years. Understand by that that I spend way too much time in front of my computer;
  3. I would like to get deeper into astronomy and photography. Two hobbies I would like to indulge more into, but don’t find the time…
  4. I read way too much: with around 70 RSS feeds, five magazines, newspapers and tons of books. If this wasn’t enough, I also read mangas and comics.
  5. Elrst comes from the initials of my full name: Edouard Louis René STenger. Louis and René are the first names of my grand fathers;
  6. I am finishing a job at the end of the year and will be available for employment in January. If you are interested, please checkout my resume. I will consider all offers;
  7. I have a great idea for a PhD thesis but have no clue if I will have a try at it or left it as a huge project.

Seven blogs I follow – and that you should too:

  • La Marguerite: How to present Marguerite Manteau Rao ? An industrial engineer she is also a marketer and above all a most talented blogger.
    Blog | RSS Feed | Twitter
  • Verda Vivo: Daryl’s blog is simply a must read if you want to green up your life or great information on environment-related issues.
    Blog | RSS Feed | Twitter
  • Dot Earth: Andrew Revkin’s blog (from the New York Times) provides great articles and good discussions.
    Blog | RSS Feed
  • Franke James: A Canadian artist, photographer and writer, I am truly fond of her visual essays and her posts…
    Blog | RSS Feed | Twitter

En Français dans le texte.

Since I don’t read seven personal blog in English (I read large ones with multiple authors, like TreeHugger, HuffingtonPost, CleanTechnica…), I propose you a selection of French writing blogs.

  • QatSite: My Belgian friend Qat is building an environmentally friendly house which will consume four times less energy than an average one.
    Blog | RSS feed
  • The Blog Tool Box: Maxime Guernion’s advices on WordPress and blogging issues have been invaluable for this website.
    Blog | RSS feed | Twitter
  • Timothep: A fellow member of GeekZone, Tim has provided me with many articles on fantastic books (notably the Mars Trilogy)
    Blog | RSS Feed | Twitter

2 thoughts on “Let’s play tag !”

  1. As a matter of fact, I am what you call I think a night owl, I never go to sleep before midnight. (my father is even worse in this regard… 😛 )

    But one thing that struck me when I was visiting the United States is how Americans generally go to bed early. French people generally stay up later much than. 🙂

    It was a pleasure to play along.

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