Turning a landfill into a beautiful garden

Last weekend I visited a very nice garden in the Vosges, Les Jardins de Callunes [Fr]. It has the particularity to have been created where a landfill was previously.

It is impressive how Nature got back where previously stood waste of all kinds. Will we be able to turn all our landfills in such wonderful gardens?

This was also the opportunity for me to practice photography and I propose you a selection of the best pictures I took there.

All pictures were taken with my Canon Ixus 860 IS, a point and shoot camera that is perfect for me as one can choose many options and avoid using the automatic mode.

The pictures’ size is 1280*960 which will suit most computer screens. However, if you wish to have them in a larger size, ask me and I will send them to you.

Many thanks to Sherlock for giving me his opinion on my photos as well as tips to improve them. (Some of them are a little modified to improve the contrast and luminosity)

I hope you enjoyed this article. In any case, don’t hesitate to post a comment as I would gladly read your thoughts on the garden or my photos.

4 thoughts on “Turning a landfill into a beautiful garden”

  1. OK….i’m a bit late for comments. Let’s just say that i’m a bit delayed these days.

    Nature is the best playground for young photographers (Ok….after their wives or girlfriends) : nice colors, close pics or landscapes, animals, insects…at least we can say that nature likes us more than we do.

    Your pics are full with colors and i really like this one.

    I have a “nature” album in my web galery (advert) and the less i can say is that it’s one of my favorite albums.

    Photographers should be spokesmen for the green cause : It’s so often thanks to the wonders of nature that they can shoot nice pictures.

  2. Many many thanks Sherlock for your comment. It is so rare that it truly deserves Champagne ! 🙂

    You’re right and I agree with you a 100%. We as photographers can be at the forefront of Natural wonders.

    I especially like your ” we can say that nature likes us more than we do.” Yes indeed !

  3. Pingback: Sustainable development and much more… » Why recycling has a really bright future

  4. Nature allways gets back if we let her, and has wonderful things to share also for the eye also for nose and fingers.IT’s beatufiul that garden and the pictures are quiet good. Keep up!

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