It’s back and working !

After nearly three days, this blog is back on the web, and fully working. As I upgraded to the newest WordPress 2.3 version, I took the opportunity to improve some things.

This is done in order to allow you to browse this blog in a more comfortable, and to find quicker the data you are looking for.

The main change is the total disappearance of the categories, which have been replaced by tags (what can be compared to keywords).

As you perhaps noticed, there are more tags than there were of categories. This is due to the fact that I added some keywords on the most wrote about topics or countries.

This will enable you to see in a glimpse of an eye the most important topics of this blog (energy, climate change and sustainable development) but also to get some data on topics like the various energy sources (coal, oil, solar, renewables and nuclear), some countries and regions of the world (Brazil, China, Europe, India, USA).

Some sectors of the economy are also present within the tag cloud, like housing and transportation. These are the primary energy consuming sector and where large cuts of greenhouse gases emissions can be achieved.

Finally, within the tag cloud is present my interest for astronomy and photography. I think this gives a little personal touch to it, which is good as it is a personal homepage, and not solely a professional one.

The sidebar also changed quite a lot. The search form is not anymore on the top of the page, but below the Meta part, which is now directly facing the calendar.

This was done with the help of some people who partake in the upgrading or gave me some advices with my database. A huge thanks to all of them !

To infer this article, I hope all these changes will give you satisfaction. If you have any comment or suggestion to improve this website, or simply want to express your views on that matter, please fill free to post.

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