A short personal note

I would like to write this blog’s fifteenth post on a small but yet important personal event. I finally got my driving license. Yes, it is indeed a small event. You will may ask why I only took at my age this test and not before.

To make a long story short, during my five years of study I gave all my attention to my papers and did not really need a driving license as I was living in quite large cities (Dijon and Nantes in France and Dublin in Ireland). But as I finished my studies in October, I was really needing this pass for freedom and gave some time to this project.

As I stated above, this is my fifteenth (15th) post on this blog. I am very happy of writing articles and sharing a little bit of information that is truly interesting me.

I was thinking at the very beginning to write two posts a week but increased the rhythm to three articles per week. You will hence be able to read me generally on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I hope you enjoy reading them and whenever you want, write me a comment so I can know your expectations and appreciations of my works.

Meanwhile, my research for a job is still going on and I keep both faith and patience. For I indeed need both. On Friday you will have a new article that will be on China as I got two articles in preparation on this great country.

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